Youth directly familiarized with the activities of parliament

02.11.2017, 19:02

Youth directly familiarized with the activities of parliament

The Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP and its faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis held a conference on "Parliament – the defender of youth interests and school of democracy." It was attended by members of UzLiDeP, party's faction and 200 talented young men and women, who directly observe the activities of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

Ensuring participation of youth in the process of development of draft laws, increasing their legal awareness and culture, wide promotion among youth of the importance of reforms implemented on the path of development of the country are indicated in the report of the Head of our state at the meeting that was held on 12 July of this year with representatives of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis, political parties, the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan. Broad opportunities are created for participation of youth in the process of development of draft laws, establishing a direct dialogue with deputies.

Taking into account the instructions of the President of Uzbekistan, the party has prepared a number of projects on working with youth. In particular, meetings of youth and members of UzLiDeP deputy group are being held at places.

The main purpose of the conference is to introduce youth with the activities of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to develop their skills in drafting laws, expressing opinions and introducing proposals, to organize direct participation of youth in the process of development of new draft laws.

During the event, the participants discussed amendments and additions to the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On the state youth policy» and «On the status of a deputy of the regional, district and city Kengash of people’s deputies», as well as the youth met with members of the UzLiDeP faction such as O. Jumaev, R. Kusherbayev, A. Abdukodirov and the chairman of the Commission on Youth Affairs K. Tojiev and got acquainted with their activities.

– At the event, we made our proposals on introducing amendments and additions to the laws adopted on the path of development of our country and the prosperity of the people, – said a student of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service Sh. Rakhmonov.  – For example, I made a proposal to introduce the notion of "youth tourism" in the law «On the state youth policy» and in other norms. I believe that with the development of youth tourism, we will achieve further enhancement of the authority of our country. Finally, the UzLiDeP program also gives special attention to the development of tourism through a broad involvement of representatives of the private sector. In this context, the concept of the development of youth tourism should be developed.

In the afternoon, members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis also met with the participants of the conference at the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages.

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Матлуба Жўраева Вилоят Кенгаши "Аёллар қаноти" бўлим мудири 2018-04-27 11:36:41

Хақиқатдан ҳам сахро бағридаги мўжиза. Телевизор орқали Қандим газни қайта ишлаш мажмуасини кўриб ҳайратдан лол қолдим. Ушбу мажмуа ташкил этилиши 2000 минг нафар фуқаролар ишга жойлашади. Бундай йирик корхоналарни Республикамизнинг бошқа вилоятларида хам ишга туширилишига ишонамиз.
