Specific measures of UzLiDeP are worked out

14.06.2016, 19:59

Specific measures of UzLiDeP are worked out

Uzbekistan is on the eve of an unforgettable historic date – the twenty-fifth anniversary of independence. The twenty-five years – is a very short period of time in historical measures for the process of formation of a state. However, during this short period Uzbekistan, undoubtedly, has overcome a distance equal to centuries. UzLiDeP believes that in this great day the people of Uzbekistan have returned a sense of national identity, pride and honor, the right to control the destiny of our country, the sacred religion, values, customs and traditions, will remain forever in the history and will be written in golden letters in the annals of our country.

Another evidence of this attitude is the Presidential Decree “On preparing and organizing celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, which marks the beginning of an active preparation for a worthy celebrating the great date in the centuries of the glorious history of our country.

In this connection on June 13 of this year the Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP and its faction in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan organized a joint meeting dedicated to the preparation and celebration of the 25th anniversary of the state independence of Uzbekistan.

It was noted at the event that thanks to gradual and purposeful implementation of thoroughly elaborated strategy, based on five well-known principles and acknowledged as «the Uzbek model of development» throughout the world, macroeconomic stability and high economic growth rated are ensured in Uzbekistan. Our country is placed fifth among the countries with fastest developing economies and this has been duly acknowledged by world community and international financial institutions. Gross domestic product (GDP) of Uzbekistan grew by 8%.

Today, one can cite many examples of greatest of our accomplishments over the past period. Confirmation of the heights and outcomes we have achieved for the twenty five years is that Uzbekistan’s economy has grown almost 6 times, the real income per capita more than 12 times, significantly increased gold reserves of the country. If in 1990 the needs of the population in food products, primarily grain, potatoes, meat, dairy and confectionery products, covered mainly by imports, it is now 96 per cent of these products are produced in our country.

Member of UzLiDeP faction in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan Vladislav Tsvetkov noted, «History itself proves how correct was chosen the country path traversed under the visionary leadership of Islam Karimov. During this period, Uzbekistan has taken a worthy place among sovereign and independent States in the world. Since the early years of independence Uzbekistan has chosen its own path of development – the so-called Uzbek Model of transition to socially oriented market economy. Uzbekistan from backward in the recent past, agrarian republic with a one-sided hypertrophied economy based on the monopoly of cotton production, has become a modern industrialized countries with rapidly growing economies and high potential.

We in UzLiDeP have carefully studied the resolution "On the preparation and celebration of the 25th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and in this regard deputies UzLiDeP should take an active participation on implementation of appropriate outreach activities to raise awareness among the population and inform them on the essence and significance of ongoing fundamental reforms in Uzbekistan, huge successes and milestones achieved for the last period in building a new, democratic state and civil society».

It was noted that the acquisition of 25 years of independence Uzbekistan has created a solid foundation for our future, the formation of harmoniously developed, physically and spiritually healthy generation of young people who master modern knowledge and professions, have independently thinking mind, becoming the decisive force in our lives and, crucially, able to take responsibility for the future of the country.

Therefore, at the event special attention was paid to the issues of UzLiDeP participation in the implementation of appropriate outreach activities to raise awareness among the population and inform them on the essence and significance of ongoing fundamental reforms in Uzbekistan, ​​ huge successes and milestones achieved for the last period in building a new, democratic state and civil society.

Member of Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP Viktor Pak emphasized, «Our party believes it is important to take an active part in the celebration of our dearest holiday in the life of our country. A major role in this work will be given to clarifying among the population about inviolability of private property which provides everyone a chance to show the individual talents and abilities and it is one of the most important priorities of development of the national economy. If at the dawn of independence, the share of small business in GDP did not reach two per cent, at the present time, it was 56.5 percent. It employs more than 77.9 percent of the total employed population.

Youth and women wings of the party should take their active part, because one of the important achievements of independence - is the formation of harmoniously developed, physically and spiritually healthy generation of young people who master modern knowledge and professions, have independently thinking mind, becoming the decisive force in our lives and, crucially, able to take responsibility for the future of the country. UzLiDeP has planned to implement in all regions of the country a range of measures aimed at the disclosure of youth policy to educate the younger generation healthy and harmonious development of personality».

In general, at the meeting was noted that the UzLiDeP in order to worthily mark the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan's independence will hold a series of events that embody the noble idea of ​​«My life, my destiny - my dear, unique Uzbekistan! ». In particular, UzLiDeP will actively implement its projects under the slogan "We are the representatives of small business, private entrepreneurship and farming movement - responsible for the development, peace and prosperity of the country!", “My contribution to the maintenance of Independence", "Woman entrepreneur", "Student entrepreneur", etc.

Following the meeting, the relevant decisions were taken.

UzLiDeP press service

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