UzLiDeP`s deputy initiated the installation of the antenna "Uzmobile in Nishan district

17.04.2018, 16:33

UzLiDeP`s deputy initiated the installation of the antenna

Member of the UzLiDeP deputy group of the Kashkadarya regional Kengash of people's deputies U. Usmonov met with the voters of the makhalla named after A.Kadiri in Nishan district to solve their problems.

During the meeting, the deputy received a complaint about poor telephone communication. The deputy sent a deputy request to the head of the regional territorial administration of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The response to this request was received on time.

In this regard, the territorial department of communications set up a working group and went to the place to study the issue directly.

As a result of the study, it was revealed that the Kashkadarya territorial branch of "Uzmobile" is working on the installation of the antenna mast, the completion of the installation is planned before the end of this year.


 of Kashkadarya regional council of UzLiDeP

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Равшанов Шерзод Тўйчиевич O’zLiDeP Қарши туман Кенгаши ходими.2018-05-08 12:56:48

O’zLiDeP Қарши туман Кенгаши аппарат ходимлари ва депутатлар билан биргаликда 2-жаҳон уруши қатнашчилари хонадонларига ташриф буюрилди. Хонадон эгалари юртимизда олиб борилаётган оқилона сиёсатдан халқимиз жуда хам мамнунлигини ҳар сония таъкидлаб туришибди, айниқса қаряларга 2-жаҳон уруши қатнашчиларига берилган юртбошимизнинг совғаларидан жуда ҳам мамнунликларини айтиб ўтишди. O’zLiDeP Қарши туман Кенгаши томонидан 2-жаҳон уруши қатнашчиларига эсталик совғалари топширилди.
