Deputies of UzLiDeP heard the report of the head of the Samarkand regional administration of investments Jamshid Musayev

03.05.2018, 18:45

Deputies of UzLiDeP heard the report of the head of the Samarkand regional administration of investments Jamshid Musayev

A regular meeting of the UzLiDeP deputy group was held in Samarkand regional Kengash of people's deputies. During the meeting, а report of the head of the regional administration on investments J. Musayev was heard about the work carried out to implement the decision of the President of our country «Оn measures to organize small industrial zones in the Samarkand region» from March 16, 2018.

As noted in the report, according to the decree, 14 small industrial zones are organized in the region. The area of the small industrial zone of 49.9 ha with the area of buildings and structures 39.5 thousand square meters transferred to the balance of district and city khokimiyats. Also in the first quarter of this year, 295 enterprises with foreign investments were registered in the region.

– In addition, 65 projects worth 387.9 million dollars, of them 255 million dollars foreign direct investments are planned to be realized within the framework of the state program on complex development of Samarkand region, - said J. Musayev. – As a result of the implementation of these projects, 4281 jobs will be created.

At the meeting in order to eliminate existing shortcomings and problems, the proposal of the UzLiDeP deputy group to include the issue on the agenda of the regular session of the regional Kengash was approved.


executive secretary of the deputy group UzLiDeP

in the regional council of people's deputies

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