Khokimiyats will become founders of regional funds to support NGOs

11.05.2018, 18:02

Khokimiyats will become founders of regional funds to support NGOs

The decree of the President of our country «On measures to radically improve the role of civil society institutions in the process of democratic renewal of the country» dated May 4, 2018 has become an important document for the development of civil society institutions.

In accordance with the decree, the Advisory Council for the development of civil society under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been established, the activities of which will be directly coordinated by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and this means that the Head of State is paying special attention to the development of civil society institutions.

At the same time, according to this decree, a number of opportunities for free activity of NGOs have been created. In addition, another stimulating factor is that the pension will be paid in full to retired workers of non-state non-profit organizations, provided that their activity in these organizations is the only place of work.

In accordance with the decree, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional khokimiyats and city of Tashkent will become founders of regional funds, as well as the homes of non-governmental non-profit organizations will be established in the regions. This will create ample opportunities for NGOs.

The establishment of the badge "for contribution to the development of civil society" provides the basis for the support of our compatriots, in their activities in the third sector.


head of the center of political education (CPE)

of Samarqand regional council of UzLiDeP

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