Appeal from the Khatirchi district was solved by the deputy of UzLiDeP

22.05.2018, 11:35

Appeal from the Khatirchi district was solved by the deputy of UzLiDeP

Many of our compatriots are engaged in farming, grow various crops, and collect a significant crop on their personal plots in Khatirchi district. Residents of the district, taking into account the soil and climatic features, master the secrets of obtaining income from growing on dry, low-water lands of vegetables, melons and grapes.

The UzLiDeP regional organizations within the framework of the project «Primary party organizations of UzLiDeP - support to owners of household plots» conduct propaganda work, as a result of which the number of entrepreneurs has significantly increased in each region.

A resident of  "Bogchakalon" makhalla M. Khoshimov also created a greenhouse on his own plot of 1.8 hectares of land, where he grows tomatoes, cultivates potatoes, onions and other vegetables on 2 hectares of land.

– Last year, I received 7 million soums of preferential credit from commercial bank, so I built a greenhouse, and made a profit of 6 million soums, - said the entrepreneur. – Currently, the tomatoes are ripe in the greenhouse. We plan to receive 6-7 million soums of profit from the first harvest.

During the meeting, the entrepreneur asked the party's employees to help solve the issue with water for irrigation. This problem was solved by T. Safarov, a member of the party's deputy group in the district council of people's deputies.

 Azamat SAFAROV,

Press secretary

 of the Navoiy regional council of UzLiDeP

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Умрбек Жаббаров ЎзЛиДеП Беруний тумани Кенгаши ижрочи котиби 2018-05-18 14:20:04

Депутатларимизга куч қувват тилаймиз.

"Дўстлик" МФЙ БПТ2018-05-18 11:15:46

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А.Хошимов2018-05-18 09:57:00

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O’zLiDeP Навоий вилояти ҳудудий партия ташкилоти ходими Чингиз Раджабов2018-05-17 19:27:52

Тадбиркор ва фермерларни қўллаб-қувватлаш ва муаммоларини бартараф этиш бизнинг асосий вазифамиздир.

Жасур Рустамов (Навоий шаҳар бўлими ижрочи котиби)2018-05-17 17:29:01

ишингизга ва хирмонингизга барака берсин Мамаражаб Ҳошимов.
