Beginning of a new period in relations between Uzbekistan and the United States of America

22.05.2018, 11:25

Beginning of a new period in relations between Uzbekistan and the United States of America

Mekhroj Fayzilov, Chairman of the Samarkand regional council of UzLiDeP:

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the invitation of the President of the United States of America Donald Trump marked the beginning of a new historically significant period of relations between our countries. The practical outcome of the talks became the agreements on the expansion of bilateral trade ties, cooperation in the fields of education, agriculture and energy, mutual understanding on cooperation in the process of Uzbekistan's accession to the World Trade Organization, and the holding of the Central Asian Trade Forum in Tashkent in 2018.

This visit is important because both sides committed to explore deeper economic cooperation that will increase trade and create jobs in both countries. Our party welcomes closer cooperation in the fields of agriculture, energy, finance, chemicals, tourism, textiles, health, and digital innovation.

We, in UzLiDeP, believe that the results of the visit of the head of Uzbekistan to the USA have a logical result of the development of Uzbek-American relations over the last two years. One of the areas of cooperation should be the further intensification of mutual visits at the level of parliaments and political parties, which would contribute to the strengthening of political cooperation. In general, we are confident that the visit will serve to further develop the relations of strategic partnership, deepen cooperation between Uzbekistan and the United States.

Ravshan Fozilov, Chairman of the Mirabad district council of UzLiDeP, head of the representative office of the South Korean company "CJ ICM" in Uzbekistan:

Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Donald Trump discussed issues of development of bilateral relations, exchanged views on current issues of regional and international importance of mutual interest, which resulted in the adoption of the Joint Statement of the Heads of State "Uzbekistan and the United States of America: the beginning of a new era of strategic partnership". The very title of this document speaks about the focus of our countries on strengthening mutually beneficial relations in various fields, focusing on promising projects.

Uzbekistan’s efforts to expand the development of trade and commercial ties with Afghanistan have been widely supported by the United States.

We would like to highlight the fact that the leaders of the countries condemned extremism and international terrorism, and vowed to strengthen cooperation against these common threats. They also committed to pursue agreements that will enhance interoperability and improve regional security, and noted the importance of strengthening the defense relationship.

For us as citizens of the country, a great interest is the signing of the agreements on the development of horticulture, improving the system of emergency medical care, improving energy efficiency of industrial enterprises, modernization of heating networks, financial advisory services and other areas. During the visit, Uzbekistan signed over 20 major business deals with United States companies, which, if fully implemented, will be worth more than $4.8 billion. All this shows that the achieved results will serve the long-term interests of our people. It should be noted that the past visit is a historic event in bilateral relations, and will raise the cooperation of our countries to a new level.

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