An entrepreneur from Sokh district grows lemons in a greenhouse with an area of 4 ha

07.06.2018, 09:30

An entrepreneur from Sokh district grows lemons in a greenhouse  with an area of 4 ha

Ferghana regional council of UzLiDeP within the framework of the project «Primary organizations of UzLiDeP - assistants to entrepreneurs on household plots» organized a dialogue in Yangiarik makhalla of Sokh district.

During the dialogue of young people who want to establish entrepreneurial activity, the necessary advice and recommendations are given.

– Our family receives additional income from cultivating the land, – said the entrepreneur. – My son worked abroad for several years, and when he returned, we began to develop our own plot of land. We get regular income from it. We have 10 acres of land, on 4 ha we have organized a greenhouse for growing lemons. On the rest of the area we grow tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, every year we receive an income of 4-5 million soums.

It should be noted that, within the framework of the project, the party helps the population to effectively use their household plots and supply them with seedlings of fruit trees, vegetables and melons. Recently, the Kushtepa district council of UzLiDeP started another good deed. Within the framework of the project, 35 families received 3500 tomato seedlings, 500-cabbages, 500-red peppers, 500-bell peppers, 1000-eggplants, 500-cucumbers.

 Press service

of Fergana regional council of UzLiDeP

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