Training seminar for deputies of Jizzakh region

08.06.2018, 15:41

Training seminar for deputies of Jizzakh region

The сenter for political education of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP organized a training seminar to improve the skills of party leaders, executive secretaries and heads of deputy groups in the Jizzakh region.

During the seminar, the deputies provided with detailed information on issues related to the formation, distribution and use of the local budget, the establishment of deputy control over the solution of problems raised during field visits, and the sending of deputy requests.

- It should be noted that in accordance with today's realities it is necessary to constantly raise the level of knowledge of the party's employees, to familiarize them with changes in the current legislation and adopted normative legal acts, – said the executive secretary of the UzLiDeP deputy B. Egamov. – In this regard, knowledge and skills obtained during the training courses will serve as an important factor in further improving our activities, promoting new ideas and initiatives.

The seminar raised issues on improving the work with the population and discussed the next tasks.


press secretary

of the Jizzakh regional

council of UzLiDeP

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Шоира Хасанова Жиззах вилояти Аёллар қаноти2018-06-07 09:09:54

Мана шундай ўқув-семинарлар ўз касбимизга бўлган маъсулиятни янада оширади.Замон билан хамнафас, илғор фикрлайдиган O‘zLiDeP ходимларининг билим ва салоҳиятини оширишга хизмат қиладиган ўқув-семинарлар тез-тез ўтказилиб турилса.
