Swimming pool to be built in makhalla within the framework of the program «Obod makhalla» («Prosperous neighborhood»)

23.07.2018, 17:58

Swimming pool to be built in makhalla within the framework of the program «Obod makhalla» («Prosperous neighborhood»)

Within the framework of the program «Obod makhalla» («Prosperous neighborhood») developed on the initiative of the President of the country, a wide range of measures is being implemented in the capital and in remote regions of the country. The streets are being improved and transformed.

This can be seen on the example of the work carried out in the «Muruvvat» makhalla of Yunusabad district. Now, a children's playground, atelier, beauty salon and swimming pool are under construction in our makhalla.

– Today our makhalla are getting even more beautiful, internal roads are being repaired, conditions for recreation of the population are being created, - said Nurora opa, a veteran of «Muruvvat» makhalla. – We are very pleased that the swimming pool is under construction in our makhalla.

It should be noted that within the framework of the program it is planned to renovate 1473 houses, internal roads of 196 km in Tashkent city.

Murodjon URINOV,

press -secretary of Tashkent city

council of UzLiDeP

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