The State program «Yoshlar – kelajagimiz» («Youth – our future») is widely promoted on the ground

26.07.2018, 09:47

The State program «Yoshlar – kelajagimiz» («Youth – our future») is widely promoted on the ground

The Khazarasp district council of UzLiDeP organized a practical dialogue with the youth of «Nukus», «Gurlan», «Khazorasp», «Honka», «Khiva», «Sorimay» makhallas and in the village of «Tuprakalya».

During the event, detailed information on the essence and significance of the decree of the President of our country «On the state program «Yoshlar – kelajagimiz»» was presented.

It was noted that the upbringing of perfect youth with modern knowledge and skills, who is able to take responsibility for a worthy future of the country is the most important condition for sustainable development of the country.

– If in each family the successors of a dynasty are children, the future of the state is considered youth, – said the deputy from UzLiDeP G.Matmuratov. – Today all opportunities for youth are created in our country. This document serves the implementation of projects of talented youth, contributes to strengthening their faith in the future of the country.

During the event, problems of concern to young people and their plans for the future were studied. The presented opinions, proposals, and problem solving are taken under deputy control.


head of the Khazarasp

district council of UzLiDeP

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