Knowledge and skills of party members from the Gurlan district have been increased

30.07.2018, 17:54

Knowledge and skills of party members from the Gurlan district have been increased

The center for political education of the Khorezm regional council of UzLiDeP organized a training seminar to improve the skills of the leaders of the district councils of the party, the executive secretaries of the deputy group in the regional council of people's deputies and the chairmen of the PPO.

The seminar provided information on functional responsibilities, work with documents, implementation of party projects, raising of oratory art and speech culture of the party's employees.

– During the training session, we were divided into groups and each group worked to find ways to solve problem issues,- said the chairman of the Gurlan district council of UzLiDeP R. Dosimov. – During the work we have summed up the results of our work for six months of the current year and have outlined the next tasks.

At the end of the seminar, the participants received appropriate recommendations to increase their work to a new level.


acting head of the center

for Political education

of Khorezm regional

council of UzLiDeP

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Рахманова Гульнара КР Тахтакупир тумани 2018-07-26 11:42:18

Бу каби укув семинарларни купрок ташкиллаштиришимиз зарур. Хакикатдан хам укув давомида куп нарсани урганиш имконияти булади. Суров жавоблар булади, ва хар хил фикрлар уртага ташланади. партиядошларимиз сиёсий ва хукукий саводхонлигини оширишда асос булари сузсиз. Гурланлик партиядошларимизнинг келгуси ишларида омад тилаймиз
