More than 30,000 young people showed interest in business activities in Pastdargam district

01.08.2018, 09:21

More than 30,000 young people showed interest in business activities in Pastdargam district

Samarkand regional and Pastdargam district councils of UzLiDeP organized an event dedicated to explaining the essence and significance of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On the State program» «Yoshlar – kelajagimiz» («Youth is our future ») in the regional recreation park.

During the event, deputy governor of the Pastdargam district, A. Mukhitdinov told about the essence and significance of this document and the tasks outlined in it.

- This program is a vivid manifestation of the great opportunities created in our country for youth - said A. Mukhitdinov. –This decree defines as the main direction the task of education of purposeful, harmoniously developed youth, possessing modern knowledge and skills, capable to take responsibility for the future of the country.

In the region, there are more than 105 thousand young people aged 14-30 years. The youth census is being conducted under the program. So far, 30 thousand of them have expressed a desire to start an entrepreneurial activity.

- In our country there are great opportunities for youth in all spheres, new higher educational institutions are opened. Especially, the adoption of the State program «Youth is our future » is a model of high attention to youth. Now I'm a university student. I want to use the created opportunities, and to establish my own business, - said the participant of the event U. Akbarov.

Participants of the event were directly acquainted with the place where the work on the execution of the program is being implemented.

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Шовот туман Кенгаши 2018-07-30 10:08:16

Дастур доирасида амалга оширилаётган ишлар ўз самарасини беришига ишонамиз.

Q.Eshqorayeva-Navoiy viloyati Uchquduq tuman ijrochi kotib2018-07-29 23:27:04

Yoshlarda bugun juda ko'p tashabbuslar va takliflar bor. Ularni faqat ozgina qo'llab quvvatlasak natijasi ojobiy bo'lishi aniq.

Сарвиноз Холматова Қизилтепа тумани ижрочи котиби2018-07-28 17:09:38

Мазкур Дастур мамлакатимизда ёшларга берилаётган улкан имкониятларнинг эшигини очди десам янглишмаган бўламан. Ушбу Фармонда замонавий билим ва кўникмаларга эга, мамлакатимизнинг муносиб келажаги учун жавобгарликни ўз зиммасига ола биладиган баркамол, мақсадга интилувчан ва серғайрат, масулиятли ёшларни тарбиялаш мамлакатни барқарор ҳамда илдам ривожлантиришда асосий йўналишлари кўрсатилган дастурил амал қилиб белгилаб берилган. 14 ёшдан 30 ёшгача бўлган серғайрат ёшлар бўлган сизу бизга давлатимиз раҳбари улкан ишонч билдирдилар. Бу ишончни ошиғи билан оқлашимиз ҳамда бунга лойиқ бўлимиз лозим.
