Young workers and employees of JSC «GM Uzbekiston» received information about the State program «Youth is our future»

06.08.2018, 16:50

Young workers and employees of JSC «GM Uzbekiston» received information about the State program «Youth is our future»

The Hazorasp district Council of UzLiDeP organized an event dedicated to explain the decree of the President of the country «Youth is our future» at the primary party organization (PPO) of JSC «GM Uzbekiston».

The event said that the tasks outlined in the State program along with all organizations and departments also place great responsibility on the "Youth wing" of UzLiDeP.

The state program places a great responsibility on the youth wing of UzLiDeP to work with young people, actively promoting their ideas and projects.

–The tasks defined in the program call for activity and initiative of all members of the party, - said the head of the UzLiDeP deputy group in the regional council of people's deputies B. Ruzmetov. – Therefore, during the event, we paid special attention to the identification of unorganized youth, the study of their interests, the full support of new innovative ideas and initiatives of young people wishing to engage in entrepreneurial activities. Оur goal is not only to explain the essence and content of the program, but also to outline the important tasks to ensure their implementation.

During the event workers and employees of the enterprises who wish to start a family business received recommendations and advice.


chairman of the PPO

in JSC «GM Uzbekistan»

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Фурқат туман Кенгаши депутатлик гурухи ижрочи котиби З.Хаитова2018-08-08 14:17:04

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