Entrepreneur's problem is solved after visiting the working group

27.09.2018, 10:46

Entrepreneur's problem is solved after visiting the working group

Mukhayo Isroilova is a master of sewing in Shakhrihan district. She has many students and she would like to create a small knitting workshop.She did not have enough money to realize her goal, so she asked officials to help her get a soft loan.

A working group of senior officials of the Executive Committee of the Political Council and UzLiDeP Andijan regional council of the party supported her initiative. They helped to collect the necessary documents and were sent to Shakhrikhan regional branch of "Hamkorbank". The results lived up to expectations. She received 9 million soums of soft loan under the «Every family - entrepreneur» program. Due to this she was able to buy additional sewing machines.

– I am very pleased with the support of the party, - said M. Isroilova. – Currently, I am working with 5 unemployed girls from our makhalla to sew knitwear for women and sell them on the domestic market. I am grateful to the party, the deputies who supported me helped in achieving this goal.

Press service

of the Andijan regional

council of UzLiDeP

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Рахманова Гульнара УзЛиДеП тахтакупир туман Кенгаши ижрочи котиб 2018-09-20 08:34:01

Жойлардаги ишчи гурухлар тамонидан амалга оширилган сухбатлар учрашувлар уз самарсини курсатмокда. Маколадаги шахрихонлик Муҳайё Исроилова мақсадимга эришишимда катта кўмак берган O‘zLiDeP ходимларидан, депутатларига деган миннатдорчилиги бизни хам кувонтирди. Сабаби шъеримиз биргаликда биз кучмиз!

Холмат Тўраев Жиззах вилояти2018-09-19 18:18:57

ЎзЛиДеП Халқ муаммоларини ечишда давом этмоқда
