New PPO in Angor district

28.06.2019, 12:09

New PPO in Angor district

The regular visit of the working group led by representatives of the executive committee of the political council of UzLiDeP J. Rakhmonov and G. Ibragimova was paid to Angor Textile LLC of Angor district.

The company is engaged in production of customized clothing. Currently, the company employs 150 people. Representatives of the working group got acquainted with activities of the enterprise, the conditions created for employees. As a result of the work carried out to promote the goals and objectives of the party, a new primary party organization was formed at the enterprise, 22 employees were presented with UzLiDeP membership cards.

— Now our company has 53 members of UzLiDeP, — said the head of Angor Textile LLC Tokhir Gofurov. — I am convinced that being in the ranks of the party, they will become active members of society. We will assist in allocation of concessional loans to them on the basis of the state program “Every family entrepreneur”.

Representatives of the working group became familiar with activities of the sewing workshop of artisan Tojinor Berdiyeva, who lives in “Oriyat” makhalla of Muzrabat district, and studied the problems in the workshop.

— 5 women from the makhalla work in our workshop, — said Tojinor Berdiyeva. — Representatives of the working group of the party asked for assistance in obtaining a bank loan for expansion of activities. Deputy Abdusaid Mukhammadiyev sent a deputy request to Muzrabat branch of Halq Bank JSCB. Received answer, the bank can allocate a loan in the amount of 13 million soums.

Representatives of the working group visited the houses in “Muzrabot Darvoza” makhalla, examined the homestead lands, and listened to problems of residents. They explained that by using the benefits provided by the state, one can receive additional income.


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