UzLiDeP was the first to submit signature lists to the Central Election Commission

16.10.2019, 15:37

UzLiDeP was the first to submit signature lists to the Central Election Commission

On December 22 this year, Uzbekistan will host elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and regional, district (city) Kengashes of people's deputies. Active preparations are being carried out for a high-level political campaign.

In accordance with the requirements of the Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan during the election campaign, each political party must collect more than 40 thousand signatures of voters supporting it. And only after this the parties will have the right to nominate their candidates.

Karakalpak, regional and Tashkent city Kengashes of the party filled the subscription lists on time.

International Press Center of the Central Election Commission hosted the presentation by the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party, of signed voter lists and other documents ensuring the party’s participation in the elections. UzLiDeP became the first party to submit voter subscription lists to the Central Election Commission.

UzLiDeP Press Service

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Булишева Махлиё 2019-10-10 13:24:02

УзЛиДеП энг ишончли Партия ва албатта бу сайловда хам Голиб буламиз. Тадбиркор элга мададкордир. Тадбиркорлар канча куп булса Халкимиз бой булади. Давлатимиз эса кудратли ривожланимиз кучаяди. Мен хам 5 йилдан бери УзЛиДеП га аъзоман ва бошлангич партия ташкилояи рахбариман. Халкимизни 15 дан купини иш бн таъминлаганман ва тадбиркорлигимни янаям кенгайтирмокдаман. Ватанимни Севаман ва чин юракдан хизмат килмокчиман. Шунинг учун Олий Мажлислар Конунчилик Палатасига депутатликка куймокчиман номзодимни куймокчиман. Лекин оркамда таниш билишим йук. Факат Оллохимдан умидворман
