UzLiDeP deputy will help an experienced farmer in modern greenhouse construction

22.04.2020, 16:02

UzLiDeP deputy will help an experienced farmer in modern greenhouse construction

In connection with the coronavirus epidemic, outreach work is being carried out at places that are aimed at organizing free time of the population, the effective use of each spring month, and organizing work on personal land.

Local working groups have been formed consisting of deputies, chairmen of makhallas and party activists in order to implement the resolution of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP “Defining measures on the urgent tasks of the party’s structures aimed at ensuring food security and development of personal land – an important source of employment and income of the population”.

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, member of UzLiDeP faction Abdulla Ruzmetov got acquainted with work on personal land in Shokhidonlar makhalla of Gaybu village of Urgench district.

According to the Chairman of the makhalla Mansur Abdullayev, 1406 families live in Shokhidonlar makhalla, the total number of residents is 5,606. Almost all residents of the makhalla effectively use household lands, mainly grow seedlings of trees and vegetables and provide them with neighboring makhallas. Skilled farmer Alisher Kazakov lives in the house No. 74. For 10 years he has been working in a personal plot. He grows seedlings of vegetables on 8 acres, on 1.5 acres he built a small greenhouse, where he grows 500 strawberry seedlings and more than 5,000 tomato seedlings of various varieties.

Alisher noted that strawberry of Victoria variety bears fruit 10 months a year. The entrepreneur intends to build a modern greenhouse on 8 acres. But for this soft loan is needed. With this problem, he turned to the deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Abdulla Ruzmetov for help.

On his additional 18 acres, he plans to grow his seedlings and sell the surplus to the population.

The next place members of the working group visited was the district makhalla “Oyoqbog”. Deputy of Urgench district council of people’s deputies Jakhongir Yunusov in January this year built a modern greenhouse on 1, 8 hectares on the basis of Iranian technology through investments in the amount of 970 thousand USD and at the expense of 250 thousand dollars of own funds and employed 8 women with permanent work, 20 women with seasonal work.

At the initiative of the deputy, daily production of the greenhouse is up to 1.5-2 tons and is exported to local markets at low prices.

During a conversation with such skillful entrepreneurs, members of the working group discussed the issue of securing for them residents who do not use personal land, and providing them with practical assistance in this issue.

Activities of the working group at places continue.

 Nilufar Jabbarova,

Head of the Political Education Sector of the

Political Education Department and for

Working with Deputy Associations of the Party

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