UzLiDeP activist patronizes over 1000 families

02.05.2020, 12:08

UzLiDeP activist patronizes over 1000 families

Coronavirus infection spread around the world did not pass by Uzbekistan. At the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, necessary measures are being taken to mitigate the effects of the global crisis caused by the coronavirus and to overcome these difficult days without loss. In particular, tax breaks and credit holidays are provided to entrepreneurs and clusters. This contributes to the material support of workers, strengthening social protection of the population during this difficult time.

In order to make a worthy contribution to ensuring food security and increasing export volumes, the BCT Cluster in Bukhara and TCT Cluster in Quyi Chirchiq district, led by UzLiDeP activist, Senator Murtazo Rakhmatov, did not stop their activities. 12 thousand workers in these clusters receive timely wages. In the current difficult conditions, clusters provide material assistance to needy segments of the population. Because in these days of trials, one cannot remain indifferent to the needs of people, the fate of people, the nation.

Workers of these clusters voluntarily transferred a part of the salary, totaling 490 million UZS, to the Charity and Health Public Fund of Uzbekistan, which was formed to provide moral support to citizens in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, 300 million UZS were transferred to the Center for Coordination of Sponsorship, organized to continuously provide food to needy and low-income families during the quarantine period.

“It should be noted that the “Generosity and Support” Nationwide Movement, organized at the initiative of the President, clearly demonstrates the generosity and mercy inherent in our people”, – said Senator Murtazo Rakhmatov. “This movement calls on us, cluster leaders, to provide assistance to needy families. In this regard, the teams of our clusters decided to take patronage over 1025 needy families for a period of three months.

Currently, with the assistance of Bukhara regional khokimiyat, a list of families in need has been compiled and work has begun on provision of targeted assistance. Perhaps our assistance in scale is like a drop in the ocean. But do not forget, the ocean also consists of drops.

We believe that with the help of the Almighty, by the actions of the country’s leadership, we will surely defeat the coronavirus and achieve stable growth in the economy and the welfare of people.

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Ибройимжон Махкамов2020-09-07 11:01:23

Ассалому алайкум дўстим Муртазо. Интернетдаги мақолалардаги маълумотларингизни кўриб хурсанд бўлдим. Келгуси ишларингизга муваффақиятлар тилайман. Имкони бўлса М. Рахматовни боғланиш телефон рақамларини олсак яхши бўларди.

Мансур 2020-04-25 20:29:47

Ассалому алайкум, Уйимизга ичимлик суви, газ ўтказилмаган нима ёрдам кўрсата оласизлар?, эътиборучун рахмат !

Фаррух2020-04-25 16:59:07

Бу инсонни қаттиқ ҳурмат қиламан пахта саноат соҳасида вилоятда жуда катта ишларни амалга оширмоқдалар.

UMID2020-04-25 16:56:59

Муртазо Раҳматовга омад бу инсон вилоятимиз учун жуда катта ишларни амалга оширмоқдалар кўплаб иш ўринлари яратилмоқда ишзислар сони камаймоқда. Муртазо Аҳмедовични биз ҳар доим қўллаб қуватлаймиз.Призидентимизга каттакон раҳмат шундай инвесторларга шароит қилиб беряптилар.
