Water supply is provided in 662 Denau residents’ houses

11.05.2020, 11:23

Water supply is provided in 662 Denau residents’ houses

Water pipe laid many years ago in Quyoshli Yurt makhalla of Denau district is outdated. Residents are tired of frequent pipe breaks and lack of water. Appeals to relevant authorities, including the district khokimiyat, did not yield results. Then, with this problem, they turned to the deputy of Denau district Sokhiba Rashidova. In the election, they cast their ballots for her candidacy. She sent a deputy request to relevant authorities. However, …

Once a member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, deputy of the regional council Abdugani Sanginov held a conversation with residents of the makhalla. S. Rashidova told about the problem in the water supply and asked the senator to provide assistance.

“In the near future, almost rotten pipes were replaced by new ones”, said Sokhiba Ravshanova. “A water pump has been installed. Now water is provided in 4566 houses of the residents of Quyoshli Yurt makhalla, they are grateful to the senator and the deputy for the work carried out. People became convinced that in the elections they were not mistaken in choosing the deputy.


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