The execution of the decree is in action

18.10.2017, 17:25

The execution of the decree is in action

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to radically improve the system of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of farmers, dekhkan farms and landowners, efficient use of agricultural acreage" is aimed at further development of the agrarian sphere, prevention of the problems and obstacles facing the system. In order to explain to the general public the essence and significance of the tasks outlined in the decree, the Andijan Regional Council of UzLiDeP carries out agitation and propaganda work.

One such event took place in the Pakhtaabad region.

– During the meeting in Andijan region, our head of State noted the need to establish the Andijan school of household plots, – said the inhabitant of the makhalla "Uchkuz" R. Abdurakhmonov. – I also effectively use my home plot of 8 hectare. On the land that was freed from tomatoes, I sowed seeds of garlic and cucumbers. Now they gave sprouts.

It should be noted that this decree serves as an impetus for the further popularization of the party project «Primary party organizations of UzLiDeP – business support on their own plot». This serves to further popularize party ideas.


head of the group on work with the PPO

 of Andijan Regional Council of UzLiDeP

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А.Матчанов- O‘zLiDeP Тўрткўл туман Кенгаши депутатлик гурухи рахбари 2018-05-15 16:46:26

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