Uzbekistan implements “Every Family – Entrepreneur”

14.06.2018, 11:01

Uzbekistan implements “Every Family – Entrepreneur”

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a resolution “On implementation of the program “Every Family – Entrepreneur” on 7 June.

The document is aimed at ensuring a radical improvement of material conditions, significant positive changes in the quality and level of people’s way of life.

It should be reminded that the President of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the concept of the program during his visit to Andijan region in May 2018.

The implementation of the program "Every Family - Entrepreneur" will be launched from 10 June in Andijan region. The State Committee for Investments of Uzbekistan will direct US$200 million for attracting credit lines of foreign financial institutions for implementation of the program in Andijan region.

The document said that the employees of the economic complex of Andijan region will visit foreign countries to study the experience of foreign countries with an advanced level of development of family business.

The program will be implemented in other regions on the basis of the relevant decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers. It will cover every region and city, including remote regions and areas with severe natural and climatic conditions.

The program envisages full support of entrepreneurial initiatives of the population wishing to engage in business, allocation of concessional loans and the provision of systematic practical assistance at each stage of organization and implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

The program will create mini-clusters for development of entrepreneurship. It is planned to expand the scope of services provided to the subjects of family business through the creation of market infrastructure facilities, points of service and service.

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Sherzodbek2019-07-23 13:41:46

vaqtdan yutqazyapmiz iltimos shu masalada yordam bersalariz

Sherzodbek2019-07-23 13:40:06

Assalomu alekum men imtiyozli kredit olmoqchidim lek bankga borsam hali resurs kelmagan deyshyapdi har bir oila tadbirkor dasturidagi kreditlar qachondan boshlab beriladi aniq vaqti

Dilshodbek2019-06-11 13:32:11

Agar iloji bosa manga kredit olishda yordam berilar 904080704

Dilshodbek2019-06-11 13:30:31

Xar bir oila tadbirkor dasturi boyicha kredit olish maqsadida man bankga murojat qilib dakument topshirganimga mana bir oydan otdi xaligacha darak yoq . Tushunmadim ozi beriladimi yo yoq yo kutib yurish keremi 6 oy yo tanishlarga berilyaptimi faqat begonaga notanishga berilmedimi

Жахонгир2019-01-07 23:42:20

Менга чорвачилик қилиш учун кридит олмоқчи едим кимга мурожат қилсам бўлади.Оилавий шуғуланишимиз учун

DILSHOD2018-11-08 21:14:31

Men "Harbir oila-tadbikor" dasturida yaratilgan kreditdan olmoqchedim,o‘zimni yaqinda yaratilgan fermer xo‘jaligim bor unda bog‘dorchilik uchun 6 ga yer ajratilgan men shu bog‘ni kengaytirib suv taminotini yaxshilashuchun brug‘lash suv qudug‘i chiqarmoqchiedim lekin kriditga garovga qo‘yish uchun brorta ko‘chmas mulk yoki texnikam yo‘q, shu masala yuzasidan hokimyat idoralari tomonidan yorda ko‘rsatadimi yoki garovsiz kredit ajratadimi.

Умид2018-08-09 15:30:11

Умумий овкатланиш шохобчасини Уйдан очиш учун,тамъирлаш ва керак асбоб-ускуналар олиш ва ойилавий тадбиркорлик фаолиятини бошлаш учун имтиёзли кредит бериладими??

Вахоб2018-08-03 15:47:40

Мен Мирзабаев Вахобжон Самарканд вилоят Паярик туманида яшайман Мен Мебель Ясаш учун киридит олаоламанми ?

Мирзоев Акмал Шарофиддинович2018-06-13 09:50:43

Хар бир оила -тадбиркор дастури оила даромадини ошириш, ички бозорларимиз арзон ва сифатли махсулотлар билан таьминланишида, ишсиз катламни иш билан таьминланишида жуда уринли дастур булди. Энди бу каби шарт шароитларни ахолига етказиш хар биримизни бурчимиздир.

А.Бабажанова-Қанликул туман Кенгаши аппарат рахбари2018-06-12 10:50:43

Халқ фаровонлигини таъминлаш-партиямизнинг устивор мақсади ҳисобланади. Президентимизнинг «Ҳар бир оила тадбиркор» дастурини амалга ошириш мақсадида қабул қилинган ушбу қарор ҳар бир оиланинг иқтисодий аҳволини яхшилашга, оилаларнинг фаровонлигини таъминлашга қаратилган ҳуқуқий ҳужжат бўлди.
