Navruz holiday congratulations to people of Uzbekistan

23.03.2018, 19:40

Navruz holiday congratulations to people of Uzbekistan

Dear compatriots! 

A wonderful holiday Navruz, a symbol of spring and renewal, comes to the beautiful land of Uzbekistan. 

I sincerely, wholeheartedly congratulate you, dear mothers and fathers, dear sisters, beloved children, all our people with this wonderful holiday, New Year according to the Eastern calendar. 

In these bright sunny days, filling our hearts with joy, I wish you all health and happiness, prosperity and wellbeing in your homes. 

Dear friends! 

Today our multinational people in cities and villages, blooming gardens, in squares and in the bosom of nature are conducting sayils (folk festivities) and performances, celebrating the long-awaited Navruz. 

All our compatriots, both children and adults, are joyfully congratulating each other and thanking the Almighty for the present bright days. 

Such noble qualities, inherent in our people, as love to the native land, the country, mercy, helping those in need of support are even more vividly manifested in Navruz. 

Our life, the life of our whole society is also changing consonant with renewal and awakening of nature, taking place in this magical time of the year. 

First of all, new houses, medical and educational institutions, modern enterprises, well-equipped villages and cities are radically changing our country’s image. 

Such high values, forming the basis of philosophy of Navruz, as humanism and kindness, justice and tolerance, the real concern for the welfare of people are becoming today the criteria of our activity. 

We set before ourselves the most important goal, so that our mothers and children, compatriots, all our people always lived in peace and tranquility, so that our life became even more prosperous. As the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi said, may every day be Navruz. 

On this wonderful holiday, we heartily congratulate our skilled dehkans and farmers, who meet the new planting season with great hopes. We wish them a successful start of the new year, a rich harvest, more and more new achievements. 

Dear friends! 

In recent years, according to the decision of the United Nations, Navruz is widely celebrated on an international scale, which indicates the noble essence, the enormous social and cultural significance of this holiday. 

Indeed, this surprisingly beautiful and kind holiday awakens in a person the best, highest feelings. That is why Navruz became a beloved and dear holiday for all our compatriots, irrespective of their nationality, language and religion. 

Today, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in the country, our foreign friends and partners are sharing with us the joy of Navruz. 

Taking this opportunity, let me whole-heartedly congratulate our dear guests, people of all countries of the near and far abroad on this wonderful holiday, and wish them peace and tranquility, prosperity and progress. 

Dear compatriots! 

I am glad to express to you, to all our people, my most sincere wishes. 

May Navruz bring happiness and prosperity to every family, every house! 

May all our good hopes and dreams come true! 

May always peace prevail in our country, the life of our people be prosperous! 

Happy Navruz holiday, my dear friends! 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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Farxod2020-06-13 17:30:30

Assalomu aleykum. Мен 2018 йилдан бери уйни хужжатларини топширдим. Лекин, айолим мурожаат килди яшнобод хокимиятига,халк кабулхонасига, афсус Яшнобод туманидаги Хокимиятдаги ходимлардан бири Сергилидаги уйлар курилиши тухтатилгани хакида айтиб утибди. Буни кандай тушуниш мумкин. Аёлим ишдан коронтинда айрилди. Оиламни бокишга етмаяпти, ижарада тураман ойлигимни хаммаси туловга кетватти. Болларим вояга етмаган. Уйни олишда ойликка караб беришни йулга куйилса яхши булар эди. Чунки, хаммани ойлиги бир хил эмаску.

Nilufar2019-12-13 16:11:20

Assalomu aleykum. Bu uylarni olish juda qiyin bovotti. Chunki men ham ikki yil navbatda turfim, lekin kommisiya propiska yoq, kvadrat metr yetadi deb rad etishti. Vaholanki meni oz uyim yoq. Hosh vaziyatda men nima qilishim kerak. 4nafar voyaga yetmagan farzandlarim bilan ota uyimda yashamoqdaman. Shaxar xokimyati, xotin qizla qomitasi, tuman xokimyati h am xech qanday yordam berishmadi.

shamsiddin2019-06-15 14:00:08

Assalomu -alaykum uy-joy arzon demanglar bu arzonga kirmaydi chunki oddiy odam qachon mustaqil uy olishga qurbi yetsagina arzon uy-joy deb yozinglar eng qulay narx 1 milion mayli harakat qilamiz boshlangich tulovsiz faqat yana umrini oxirigacha bulmaslik kerak

shamsiddin2019-06-15 13:51:51

Uy joy masalasiga kelsak aldagani bola yaxshi bir cho'ldan yer beramiz deb haliyam berilmadi 2 yilar bo'lyapti hujjatlar chirib ketgandir u yerga hech bumaganda bir parnik qisam bulardi pamidor bodring o'stirib sotardim keyin palon narxli uydan olishga imkoniyat bularmidi deb hayol surib yuribmizda haloyiq

Gavhar2019-06-07 20:45:08

Assalomualeykum. Menga ham ushbu arzon uylardan berildi lekin, boshlangich to'lov asosida. Hech qanday imtiyoz berilmadi. Qonunda imtiyozli uylar boquvchisini yo'qotgan nogironligi bor shaxslarga berishi ko'rsatilganku. Axir men ham ushbu ko'rsatilgan shaxs sifatida olishim mumkun ediku. Nima uchun menga imtiyoz berilmadi. Shu maqolaga alohida e'yibor berishingizni talab qilardim.

Алиев Шерзод Хамиджонович2018-08-29 12:09:26

Хозирги кунда халқимизга уй -жой масаласида кўрсатилган имкониятлар кўнгилдагидек бироқ бази бир мутасади ташкилотлар томонидан қарорни ижросини таьминлашда бир оз пайсалга солинаётганлиги халқ учун қийинчилик туғдирмоқда.Шу сохадаги шаффофликни, ошкороликни хам таъминласак мақсадга мувофиқ бўлар эди.

Алиев Шерзод Хамиджонович2018-08-29 12:09:26

Хозирги кунда халқимизга уй -жой масаласида кўрсатилган имкониятлар кўнгилдагидек бироқ бази бир мутасади ташкилотлар томонидан қарорни ижросини таьминлашда бир оз пайсалга солинаётганлиги халқ учун қийинчилик туғдирмоқда.Шу сохадаги шаффофликни, ошкороликни хам таъминласак мақсадга мувофиқ бўлар эди.

Носирова Шоира Кармана туман Кенгаши депутати2018-08-11 07:16:52

Аҳолини арзон уй-жой билан таъминлаш масаласи янада соддалаштирилганлиги ёшларимиздаги имкониятларни кенгайтирилганлигидир. Шу сохадаги шаффофликни, ошкороликни хам таъминласак мақсадга мувофиқ бўлар эди.

Yangibozor tumani A.Adamov2018-07-28 10:23:01

Arzon uy-joylarga bölgan talab juda yuqori.
