Economic reforms serve the development of the country and well-being of the population

14.04.2018, 09:40

Economic reforms serve the development of the country and well-being of the population

Within the framework of the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Syrdarya region on April 13, an exhibition of industrial goods produced in the region, as well as projects aimed at development of the region’s industry, was held in the territory of “Sirdaryo mega luks” joint venture. 

The geographic location of the region is convenient for fully exploiting the industrial and logistical potential of the region, attracting foreign investments, strengthening cooperation with foreign partners. There are 90 joint ventures operating in the region. They are implementing a number of projects such as organization of modern logistics centers, production of LED lamps, elevators and escalators, metal structures, leather processing, fruit, vegetable, and pharmaceutical products. 

In 2018-2019, it is envisaged to implement a number of promising projects in chemical, food, light industry, agriculture and other industries due to attraction of direct foreign investments into the region. 14.6 thousand jobs will be created as a result of implementing 203 projects. 

The Head of the state inspected containers under pressure and special equipment produced by “Ideal asr” enterprise. These containers are designed for storage and transportation of liquefied gas, convenient for providing gas to residents of remote settlements. 

The President noted the need for providing installation of such containers in projects of construction of multi-storey houses, shopping centers, which will give a high economic effect. 

LLC “Modern lift systems”, operating in Gulistan, plans to organize production of energy-saving elevators and escalators. This project will provide elevators for apartment buildings under construction in the country. 35 percent of the enterprise’s output, capable of collecting 500 elevators and 300 escalators a year, will be supplied abroad. 

“Bakhromjon Nur Savdo” private enterprise started its activity in 2010 in the territory of “Yangiyer” small industrial zone. The enterprise, which produces mainly paint and varnish products and dry mixtures, develops new types of products. This year, the company started production of 30 kinds of sneakers. 163 workers are employed here. 

Until now, sneakers have been mainly imported into the country from abroad. Products of the private enterprise will allow replacing import and start exporting. 

– I said before that I am ready to support an entrepreneur in every possible way, who has created at least two jobs. Our compatriots, opening such enterprises for 100-200 jobs, are of great benefit to the country and at the same time occupy strong positions in the market. It is necessary to expand this project, to develop production of necessary materials entirely in our country. To do this, it is necessary to help entrepreneurs, allocate necessary funds, – said the Head of the state. 

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Илёс Насимов2019-03-13 18:48:36

Махаллий Кенгаш депутлари фаол ишлашмокда. Барча партия фаоллари ва депутатларига улакан матонат тилайман.

Раҳмонова Садоқат2019-01-25 17:04:47

Партия фаоллари томонидан амалга оширилаётган ишлар тақсинга лойиқ. Ишларга омад Жасурбек!

Muhammadjonova Durdona2018-12-01 11:18:04

Partiya xodimlari va deputatlar tomonidan yoshlarga bo'lgan e'tibor shahsan meni ruhlantirdi. Yosh tadbirkorga kredit olishida ko'maklashilgani amaliy ishlarning yaqqol misoli sifatida e'tirof etish lozim.

Артиков Музаффар 2018-11-29 18:29:52

O‘zLiDeP фаоллари ва депутатлари ахоли билан юзма-юз мулоқот қилишлари, ахолини муаммоларини ўрганишлари ва тадбиркорларга ёрдам беришлари тақсинга сазовор мен партия фаоли сифатида бундай мулоқатларни кўпроқ бўлиши тарафдориман.

Шахноза Насритдинова2018-11-29 18:23:18

Ташкил этилаётган сайёр қабуллар натижасида ахолини қийнаб келаётган бир қатор муаммоли масаллар ўз ечимини топишига сабаб бўлмоқда. Партия туман Кенгаши ходимларига зафарлар тилаб қоламиз.

М.Исмоилова2018-11-29 14:10:10

Партия сафига янги қабул қилиндим. Партиямиз тўрисида бир қанча маълумотларни олиш мақсадида сайтга кириб танишиб чиқдим. Партия ходимлари ва депутатлар томонидан жойларда ташкил этилаётган тадбирларни кўриб очиғи бу партия аъзоси бўлганимдан фахирландим. Партиямиз фаоллари қаторида бўлишни истадим.

Фазлиддин Абдурашидович2018-11-29 13:47:41

Партиямиз вакиллари амалга оширилаётган ишлар замирида халқ манфаати турибди. Омад.

Гайрат Ибрагимов2018-11-25 11:50:27

Туман депутатлари фаол ишлашмокда бунда туман кенгашининг урни ва роли катта деб уйлаймиз. Ишларига муваффакият.

Шухрат Ботиров 2018-11-25 03:02:17

Жойларда ташкил этилаетган очик мулокотларда депутатларнинг хиссалалри катта деб уйлайман

пулатова гулчехра2018-11-25 03:01:18

Olmazor tuman Kengashi olib borayotgan ishlar taqsimga loyiq. Mening fikrimga deputatlarimiz axilligini taminlagan tuman kengashi xodimlari boladi. OAV lari gazeta saytlar orqali tumanda olib borilayotgan ishlarni kuzatib kelmoqdamiz. Kengash xafta bir tadbir otkazip qogan kunlarini qogozvozlik bn otkazmasdan xar bir kunidan unimli foydalangan xolda xalqimiz ichida yurishibdi. Misol qladigan bolsak kuni kecha OzMUda otkazilgan tadbir. Birgina tadbir davomida yoshlarning siyosiy bilimini oshirgan xolda ularni qiziqtirgan savollarga kerakli barcha mutasaddi tashkilot xodimlaridan javob olindi. shuni takidlash joyizki birgina tadbirda partiyamizga 150 nafar talaba a'zo boldi. Bu shuni anglatadiki talabalarga togri va kerakli tushuncha berilgan
