Entrepreneurs are granted broad benefits in using state-owned objects

04.03.2019, 23:14

Entrepreneurs are granted broad benefits in using state-owned objects

In recent years, deep reforms have been carried out in the country aimed at supporting entrepreneurs, simplifying the procedure for their state registration and licensing of their activities, further liberalizing the business environment, reducing the regulatory role of the state.

Due to this, we managed to create a convenient business environment, legal guarantees and a system of benefits for foreign investors, significantly increase the flow of direct investments in real sectors of the economy.

The Head of the state identified a number of measures for further development of all spheres, creation of convenient conditions for entrepreneurs, modernization of production, and the efficient use of land and property.

In particular, the Decree of the President “On additional measures for effective use of state property” of February 19 this year can be a vivid example of this.

Since October last year, as an experiment, 444 empty state-owned real estate objects were put up for auction on an electronic trading platform at a starting price equal to 1 UZS, of which 310 objects were sold for 11.2 billion UZS with investment terms of 172 billion UZS and creation of 3,536 new workplaces.

In accordance with the document, bidding for the sale of state-owned objects (except for shares) is carried out on the electronic trading platform “E-IJRO AUKSION”. Immovable state-owned objects put up on the electronic trading platform “E-IJRO AUKSION” at a starting price of 1 UZS are not subject to withdrawal from the auction until they are sold.

In addition, from March 1, 2019, a procedure was introduced according to which, when paying redemption payments for state immovable property objects and state shares, the following payment terms for redemption payments are determined, depending on the redemption payment amount calculated in multiples of the minimum wage (hereinafter – MW) established on the date of the auction:

up to 3,000 MW – not more than three months from the date of conclusion of the contract of sale;

more than 3 000 MW, but not more than 7 000 MW – not more than six months from the date of conclusion of the contract of sale;

more than 7 000 MW, but not more than 15 000 MW – not more than one year from the date of conclusion of the contract of sale;

over 15 000 MW, but not more than 20 000 MW – not more than two years from the date of conclusion of the contract of sale;

over 20 000 MW – not more than three years from the date of conclusion of the contract of sale.

The Decree approved the List of state-owned objects to be sold on the electronic trading platform “E-IJRO AUKSION” at a starting price equal to 1 UZS, subject to investment commitments. An opportunity has been created through the electronic trading platform e-auksion.uz to openly become acquainted with leased land and property objects, to carry out purchase, sale and lease operations.

The Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan together with other organizations will contribute to implementation of tasks defined by the Decree of the Head of the state.

Jamshid JALOLOV,

Executive Committee Specialist of

UzLiDeP Political Council


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Тошонов Яздон Каттақўрғон туман Кенгаши раисининг биринчи ўринбосари аппарат раҳбари.2019-02-28 08:37:22

Президентимизнинг “Давлат мулки объектларидан самарали фойдаланиш бўйича қўшимча чора-тадбирлар тўғрисида”ги Фармони тадбиркорлик субъектлари учун янада кенгроқ имкониятлар яратади.Қўшимча иш ўринлари яратилади ва кўплаб экспортбоп товарлар ишлаб чиқариш мумкин бўлади.
