Khorazm region

09.04.2021, 14:44
Deputy assists in installing a transformer
The head of UzLiDeP deputy group in Khanka district council, Fakhriddin Karimov, held an off-site reception in Obod mahalla.At the reception, the ...
13.11.2020, 10:26
Master class for Urgench women
At the initiative of the Women’s Wing, a master class for unemployed women was organized on the personal plot of a resident of ...
29.10.2020, 10:09
Meetings of the Deputy Speaker in Khorezm
Within the framework of the trip of the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the head of UzLiDeP faction Aktam Khaitov to ...
15.10.2020, 11:12
Mini-football competitions for the Cup of UzLideP Khiva City Council
Mini-football competitions were organized at the initiative of Khiva city council of UzLiDeP.It should be noted that the Director of secondary school ...
08.07.2020, 16:48
Another PPO in Bogot district
Bogot Mego Star Camping LLC of Bogot district specializes in providing services to the public. Currently, a gas station, grocery stores operate in ...
26.06.2020, 14:58
A working group led by Deputy Speaker Aktam Khaitov is studying the implementation of the Presidential resolutions in Khorezm
During the coronavirus pandemic, the most relevant issues were employment and poverty reduction. Because, due to the pandemic, the number of ...
22.04.2020, 16:02
UzLiDeP deputy will help an experienced farmer in modern greenhouse construction
In connection with the coronavirus epidemic, outreach work is being carried out at places that are aimed at organizing free time of the population, ...
25.10.2019, 17:09
Why makhallas included in the State program “Obod Makhalla” are not being improved?
“Manaviyat” makhalla of Bagat district was included in the State program “Obod makhalla” (Prosperous neighborhood) of 2018, ...
23.09.2019, 17:59
Khorezm promotes best farming practices
Khorezm regional kengash of UzLiDeP, in collaboration with the regional Council of Farmers, Dehkan Farms and Owners of Household Lands organized a ...
13.09.2019, 14:54
The upcoming elections will differ from the previous elections
Khorezm regional kengash of UzLiDeP organized a training workshop on “Elections: strategy and tactics of victory”.The workshop was ...

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