Pre-Election Program of Shavkat Mirziyoyev

20.09.2021, 14:50

Pre-Election Program of Shavkat Mirziyoyev


Dear compatriots!

Our beloved Motherland – Uzbekistan is on the eve of tremendous transformations. In the current extremely difficult and responsible period, when the threats and challenges to peace and stability, values ​​and traditions that have been formed by mankind for millennia are increasing on a global scale, competition between states is intensifying, our country is entering a qualitatively new stage of its development, determination of specific strategic goals and plans for the future is becoming more relevant than ever.

 To this end, we have developed a New Uzbekistan Strategy. The election campaign for the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which will be held on October 24 this year, provides an opportunity to widely discuss the Strategy together with the people, enrich with new ideas, which, of course, will contribute to its successful implementation.

Undoubtedly, a new socio-political system created over the past five years within the framework of the Action Strategy for five priority areas of development of our country in 2017-2021, aimed at ensuring the openness of the state for a person, for the people, direct dialogue with citizens, a practical solution to their problems will provide a solid foundation along the way.

We believe that in this process it is necessary to take into account the following internal and external factors:

 first, the country’s population is expected to exceed 38 million by 2026;

 second, almost 55 percent of the country’s population is youth, and at least 600 thousand boys and girls enter the labor market every year;

third, the structure of the global economy is radically changing, digital and biotechnology, artificial intelligence is rapidly entering our lives, the development of the economy is determined not by machine tools, but by modern knowledge and innovations;

fourth, abrupt climate change, shrinking water resources pose a serious threat to agriculture, food security, health and income of the population around the world;

fifth, contradictions in the international arena and the region are intensifying, and the scale of such threats as radicalism, extremism and terrorism is expanding.

We clearly understand that in such a difficult situation, our people expect us to implement new effective programs. Therefore, the following will remain the most important and priority tasks for us to realize the hopes and aspirations of our people:

maintaining peace and stability in the country;

strengthening the atmosphere of friendship, civil and interethnic harmony;

further enhancing the spirituality of our society;

protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of every compatriot living in Uzbekistan, regardless of nationality, language and religion, providing him with a guaranteed source of income, medical services, housing and quality education;

poverty reduction and social protection of the needy segments of the population;

enhancing the role and authority of our country in the international arena.

To effectively address these tasks, reflecting the fundamental interests of our people and country, we have developed a New Uzbekistan Strategy and will implement it together with our people.


Our task is to increase the gross domestic product per capita by 1.6 times in the next five years. By 2030, per capita income will be raised to $4,000, thereby creating a solid foundation for becoming one of the upper-middle-income countries.

 First, in the next five years, we will create conditions for increasing the volume of industrial output by 1.4 times, labor productivity – at least 2 times.

In the driver industries, a system of industrial clusters will develop based on the principle “from raw materials to finished products”. The volume of production of copper and other products will double with the creation of a copper industry cluster in the next five years, and a base for the production of products worth $8 billion will appear.

As a result of the implementation of several large projects at the Navoi and Almalyk mining and metallurgical, Bekabad metallurgical plants, the output of an additional $10 billion will be provided.

By increasing the level of natural gas processing from 8 to 20 percent, the chemical industry will produce products worth $2 billion.

5 more chemical and technological clusters will be created in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Fergana and Tashkent regions, and more than 40 promising projects worth about $7 billion will be implemented.

Programs for the widespread introduction of the latest technologies in the industry through the development of science will be developed and implemented.

A scientific and educational cluster of the chemical industry will be organized in the village of Ulugbek in Tashkent.

The volume of exploration work will significantly increase, and we will increasingly attract private investors and leading foreign companies to this sphere. Tax rates for subsoil use will be reduced.

Second, the digital economy will become the main driver of economic growth, its volumes will be increased by at least 2.5 times.

The industry of software products will grow 5 times, the volume of their exports – 10 times and will reach 500 million dollars.

An opportunity will be created to connect each apartment and social institution to high-speed Internet at affordable prices. Mobile and Internet coverage will be extended to all trunk highways. The speed of the Internet backbone will increase 5 times, the speed of inter-district networks – 8 times.

By the end of 2022, office work and document circulation with the population in all government bodies will be completely transferred to electronic form based on the principle “Documents, not citizens move”.

The share of public services provided in electronic form will be increased to 100 percent. In particular, 100 out of more than 700 public services will be transferred to the private sector.

Third, to maintain high rates of economic growth, macroeconomic stability will be maintained.

By the end of 2023, the inflation rate will be reduced to 5 percent. The deficit of the state budget in relation to the gross domestic product will not exceed 2.5 percent.

Starting from 2022, at least 5 percent of the budget of each district, or 1.5-2 trillion UZS, within the framework of the “Budget for Citizens” program, based on proposals from the population, will be directed to solving the most pressing problems.

The annual amount of newly attracted external borrowings will not exceed $5 billion.

The current restrictions on capital movements will be revised with the creation of attractive conditions for all and the volume of the stock market will be increased to $7 billion.

Fourth, a Strategy for attracting local and foreign investment, measures to attract $120 billion over the next five years, including at least $70 billion of foreign investment will be adopted.

Based on public-private partnerships in transport, road construction, water management and other sectors, $14 billion in investments will be attracted.

Starting next year, through the expansion of tax incentives for the depreciation of fixed assets, about 2 trillion UZS will remain at the disposal of entrepreneurs annually.

The Development Bank of Uzbekistan will be created for the development of industry and infrastructure in the regions.

Fifth, the export potential of our country will be increased by 1.7 times and brought to $30 billion in 2026.

In the structure of exports, the volume of finished products will increase 2.5 times. Within the framework of the “GSP+” system, more than 2 thousand types of finished products will be exported to European countries.

Based on the principle “New Uzbekistan – a country of competitive products” through an open competition, 200 exporters will be selected to implement a targeted program for their comprehensive support and turn into leading exporters of the country.

 Sixth, we will take concrete measures to increase the share of the private sector in the gross domestic product to 80 percent and exports to 60 percent.

23 large enterprises of the machine-building, chemical, oil and gas, energy, mining and metallurgical industries, transport and other industries, by obtaining international credit ratings, will be able to independently enter domestic and foreign financial markets to raise funds for the implementation of investment projects.

The liberalization of the energy and natural gas market will begin, private investment will be widely attracted in this area, and social consumption norms will be introduced to protect vulnerable segments of the population. Until 2026, the volume of electricity production per year will increase by an additional 30 billion kWh, the total electricity generation will reach 100 billion kWh.

By reforming the banking system, the share of private banks in the total volume of banking assets will be increased to 60 percent.

Seventh, green economy technologies will be actively implemented in all areas, and our priority task will be to increase the energy efficiency of the economy by 20 percent and to reduce emissions of harmful gases by 10 percent.

For this, wind, solar and hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of more than 5,000 MW will be launched. This will save nearly 3 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. A separate program for the production of electric vehicles and stimulation of their operation will be adopted. In 2022, 320 electric buses will start operating in the public transport system of the city of Tashkent.

A special fund for the development of a green economy will be established.

 Eighth, we will take measures to create vocational training centers at large enterprises, a new system of training qualified specialists will be formed jointly with business associations and design institutes, primarily in such leading areas as the production of building materials, pharmaceutical, textile, petrochemical, electrical industry.


One of the most important tasks is to reduce poverty in the country by at least 2 times by the end of 2026.

First, we will pay special attention to further supporting entrepreneurship.

The program will be implemented, which provides for about 60 new initiatives and proposals in 7 areas, formed within the framework of an open dialogue with entrepreneurs.

Starting from 2022, the tax rate on the property of enterprises will be reduced from 2 to 1.5 percent, as a result, 500 billion UZS will remain at the disposal of entrepreneurs annually.

From 2023, the value-added tax rate will be reduced from 15 percent to 12 percent, property tax and land tax from legal entities will be combined and a single tax on real estate will be introduced.

In such areas of entrepreneurship as banking, financial services, telecommunications, the income tax rate will be reduced from 20 percent to 15 percent and will be the same for all business entities.

The monopoly in 25 types of activities, such as road construction, heat supply, improvement services, will be eliminated, and ample opportunities will open up for private business entities in these areas.

A Council of Entrepreneurs will be created based on several structures to promote entrepreneurship in cities and districts.

Second, the opportunities for obtaining a specific profession at the expense of the state for each citizen will expand.

The scale of vocational training will be doubled, 1 million unemployed citizens will acquire new professions, the participation of non-state education institutions in this process will reach 30 percent.

The issues of systematic work in the field of vocational education will be fully transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations.

2.5 million people employed in the informal economy will be assisted in legalizing their labor activity, which will allow them to gain full access to social guarantees and benefits.

By expanding the number of service facilities in the regions, the volume of services will be increased by 3 times and due to this, about 3.5 million jobs will be created.

Third, we will consistently continue our policy to improve the status of women in society.

By training women in professions and entrepreneurship, conditions for employment will be created, due to which the unemployment rate among them will be halved.

Over 700 thousand unemployed women will be trained in a profession, and the costs associated with this will be compensated by the state.

Every year the number of grants for higher education for girls from low-income families will grow and will reach 6 thousand by 2026.

Over the next three years, over 10 thousand women in need of better housing conditions will be provided with housing on a preferential basis.

Fourth, we need to raise to a new level the work to support the layers of the population in need of social protection.

Their provision with social benefits and material assistance will be increased from 60 to 100 percent, all of them will be provided with free medical care guaranteed by the state.

When calculating the basic amount of a pension, the basis will be taken not 10 times, as at present, but 12 times the maximum wage. A system of providing social rental housing to low-income citizens will be introduced. A national program will be developed and implemented, which provides for an increase in the employment of persons with disabilities by 3 times.


We will pay special attention to doubling the income of dehkans and farmers through intensive development of agriculture based on a scientific approach, bringing the annual growth rate of agriculture to at least 5 percent.

First, government intervention in agriculture will be completely excluded and the necessary measures will be taken to bring production to an industrial level.

Rural areas will specialize in the cultivation of specific types of products, and the state will provide them with subsidies to support dehkans and farmers.

We will introduce completely new mechanisms for stable financing and insurance of the activities of cluster enterprises in the agricultural sector and farms on favorable terms and within an acceptable time frame.

The system of setting prices by state bodies and compulsory procurement of agricultural products by the state will be completely abolished with the introduction of free-market relations.

200 thousand hectares of land will be freed from cotton and grain crops, and land plots ranging from 10 hectares to 1 hectare will be provided to the population on a long-term lease basis based on an open tender.

Second, for the production of export-oriented products and the development of horticulture, agricultural enterprises based on an open competition will be allocated land with a total area of ​​400 thousand hectares.

The number of intensive gardens will increase 3 times, greenhouses – 2 times, an opportunity will be created to increase the country’s export potential by another 1 billion dollars.

A separate law on improving soil fertility and protecting soil will be developed.

Third, we will take measures to improve the system of providing agricultural services based on the application of the achievements of science and innovation.

A separate program will be adopted to provide raw materials for agro-industrial enterprises in the regions and to increase production by 1.5 times. The number of agro-logistics centers and modern laboratories will increase in the country.

It is necessary to implement the National Program for the Development of Seed Production, Nurseries and Improvement of Livestock Breeds.

Gradually, it will be allowed to import from abroad and freely place high-yielding varieties of cotton and wheat.

Together with leading international scientific centers and universities, the International University of Agriculture will be created.

Fourth, the area of ​​land for fodder crops in animal husbandry will more than double, that is, from 340 thousand to 700 thousand hectares.

Measures will be taken to restore 11 million hectares of pastures and increase their productivity.

The volume of procurement of meat, milk, eggs and fish will be increased by 1.5-2 times.

Fifth, we are fundamentally reforming the water management system, implementing a special state program to save at least 7 billion cubic meters of water per year. For these purposes, in the next five years, $2 billion will be allocated.


We will pay special attention to the implementation of the national curriculum for the system of continuing education, further improving the quality of education and training competitive personnel.

 First, an urgent task for us is to achieve 80 percent coverage of preschool education, to create more than 7 thousand kindergartens.

By the end of 2024, it is planned to fully cover children aged 6 with preparation for school. The wages of employees of preschool institutions will be gradually increased. Our goal is to make sure that not a single child under the age of seven is left without care, everyone receives the necessary amount of knowledge before going to school.

Second, with the introduction of the State School Development Program, which provides for the construction of new schools, an increase in the number of private schools, the quality of education will increase, an additional 1.2 million student places will be created in the public education system.

Until 2026, curricula and textbooks will be completely revised based on advanced foreign experience and implemented into practice.

 Third, our focus will be on bringing higher education enrollment to 50 percent and improving the quality of education.

To improve the living conditions of students, it is necessary to build student dormitories for almost 100 thousand places.

Practice will be established in which state universities will gradually begin to independently set the size of wages and the number of employees, the cost of the contract and the form of training, the social tax rate for them will be reduced to 12 percent.

By 2026, the number of private higher education institutions will be brought to at least 50, and the possibility of obtaining an educational loan for 7 years will also be created for students studying there.

Twice as many boys and girls will be sent to prestigious foreign universities for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies through the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation.

Fourth, comprehensive support will be provided to educational institutions of all levels and their employees – kindergarten teachers, school teachers, professors and teachers of universities, scientific and creative intelligentsia.

Admission to doctoral studies will be introduced based on a state order, as well as on a paid-contract basis at the expense of interested organizations.

We will introduce a system of republican sports games – the National Olympiad, held in Olympic and national sports every two years.

In general, the consistently continuing reforms in education and upbringing will serve to form the creators of New Uzbekistan.


The most important task is to achieve high efficiency of the healthcare system, reduce morbidity among the population, widely popularize a healthy lifestyle and increase average life expectancy.

First, the volume of appropriations in the sphere will be doubled, the main attention will be paid to the prevention of diseases at the family level, due to which the quality of medical services provided by primary healthcare institutions will improve.

Programs will be adopted to reduce the number of cardiovascular, endocrine, nephrological, oncological and other most common diseases.

It is necessary to improve the system of providing high-tech medical care to women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children. 46 interdistrict perinatal centers will be built at the first stage.

Republican Center for Medical Rehabilitation of Children with branches in the regions will be created to improve the health of children with disabilities.

Second, we will create the necessary conditions for bringing the share of the private sector in medical services to 25 percent and will continue to support it. 11 medical universities will transform. Clinics will be created, and the qualifications of teachers abroad will be systematically improved.

 Third, we will take all necessary measures to bring the volume of medicines and medical devices produced in the country to 80 percent.

The benefits provided to manufacturers in this industry will be extended, modern pharmaceutical zones and clusters will be created, and the existing ones will be further developed.

More than 250 laboratories of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service with international status will be created.


We have identified the issues of balanced development of the regions as a priority area.

 First, 14 regional programs will be implemented in the context of districts and cities. At the same time, based on studying the problems and opportunities of each district and city, their growth points will be determined. In accordance with them, specific plans and projects will be formed.

 Second, we will improve the urbanization policy to improve the living conditions of the population in the regions.

Programs for the development of the transport and logistics system, engineering and communication infrastructure between 18 large, 22 medium and 80 small cities will be implemented.

In the next 5 years, Samarkand and Namangan will become a city with a population of over 1 million. Several neighborhoods of the city of New Andijan for 450 thousand people will also be built.

Based on the renovation program, modern housing with an area of ​​over 19 million square meters will appear in cities instead of old houses. More than 275 thousand families are planned to settle in the new areas.

 Third, we will give priority attention to the integrated development of all cities, districts and villages of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, improving the level and quality of life of the noble and hardworking Karakalpak people, which, despite the difficult environmental conditions, makes a worthy contribution to the development of the country.

Fourth, the work begun on turning Tashkent into a city with a comfortable, ecologically clean environment and all the necessary conditions for life will continue.

At the same time, the system of public transport in Tashkent will be radically reformed, it is planned to update 3 thousand kilometers of internal roads and build 10 modern bridges. The greening area of ​​the capital will reach 30 percent, 9 public parks, 20 alleys, 250 kilometers of bicycle and pedestrian paths will be created. Sewerage treatment systems will be removed outside the city, based on a public-private partnership – new treatment facilities will be built.

Fifth, within the framework of “Obod Qishloq” (Prosperous Village) and “Obod Mahalla” (Prosperous Neighborhood) programs, based on the growth points of the regions, the main attention will be paid to the construction of engineering, communication and social infrastructure facilities.

It is planned to build and upgrade 70 thousand kilometers of main and low-voltage electrical networks, over 22 thousand transformers and more than 100 substations. More than 70 thousand kilometers of highways, over 15 thousand kilometers of drinking water supply networks and 1 thousand kilometers of sewerage network will be built. The level of provision of the population with a centralized drinking water supply will reach 87 percent. The sewerage system will be updated in 32 large cities and 155 regional centers. The level of collection of household waste has been brought to 100 percent, and its recycling rate has increased from 21 percent to 50 percent today.

 Sixth, by 2026 we are planning to increase the number of foreign tourists arriving in Uzbekistan to 9 million.

Samarkand International Airport will become a major transport hub. A tourism center will be created here, including the historical complex “Samarkand – the eternal city”.

Within the framework of the “Travel Uzbekistan” program, the number of domestic tourists will exceed 12 million per year.

A program for the development of ecotourism in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Aral Sea region will be implemented. At the same time, the capabilities of the new Muynak Airport will be widely used.

We will adopt a state program for the effective use of the possibilities of more than 8 thousand cultural heritage sites located in our country.


Until 2026, the number of people employed in the tourism sector will be doubled and will reach 520 thousand.

Funds in the amount of 1 trillion UZS will be allocated annually for the development of tourism infrastructure and cultural heritage facilities.

Seventh, in the field of transport, we will create an opportunity for daily transport links between Tashkent and major cities, in which the travel time will take no more than 6-7 hours. The level of electrification of railways will increase from the current 40 to 60 percent. The movement of high-speed trains on Tashkent – Urgench route will be established. Freight transportation costs will be reduced by at least 30 percent. The transit volume will be increased to 15 million tons.

 Eighth, annually in the regions 200 million trees will be planted in households, on the streets, in mahallas, towns and villages, along the perimeter of fields and roads. According to the climatic conditions of each region, cultivation, watering and care of seedlings will be organized. We will give priority to the implementation of the national project “Yashil Makon” (“Green Environment”).

Using the example of the “Yangi O’zbekiston” park in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regional centers, it is planned to create parks with an area of ​​at least 50 hectares. Public parks will be created in cities and district centers at the rate of one park for every 50-100 thousand people.

An indefinite moratorium on the illegal felling of trees will be introduced and a strict ban will be imposed on the use of parks and green areas for any other purpose.

 Ninth, in the coming years, an additional 500 thousand hectares of green areas will be created on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea, bringing their total area to 2.5 million hectares, or 78 percent of this entire territory.

At the expense of the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility, projects worth $300 million will be implemented in the Aral Sea region aimed at preserving biodiversity, preventing climate change and soil degradation.


At the current, new stage of the country’s development, an important task remains to improve public administration, turning it into a compact, professional, fair and highly effective system that meets the requirements of the time.

 First, we will create all the conditions for the mahalla to become real support and the most important link in public administration and control. The rights and powers of the mahalla will be expanded, the order of its financing will continue to be improved, additional sources will be identified. Citizens will have the opportunity to access state and social services, apply to state bodies directly on the territory of the mahalla.

 Second, we consider it necessary to revise the system of representative and executive power at regional, district and city levels.

We will introduce a procedure according to which at least 2-3 deputies will work in the district and city councils of people’s deputies permanently. The active participation of local deputies in the constant study and solution of the problems of the mahalla will be ensured.

The practice of nominating a candidate for the post of Hokim of the district and city by the deputy group of the party that has the largest number of seats in the corresponding Council will be established.

A candidate will be approved for the post of Hokim only if his territorial development program is approved by the deputies.

Construction of drinking water supply and sewerage networks, internal roads, other infrastructure facilities, as well as the approval of the employment program will be referred to the competence of the Councils of districts and cities.

Starting next year, as an experiment, the powers and capabilities of hokims of 28 districts and cities for the development of territories and solving local problems will be expanded.

A register of powers of territorial executive bodies will be formed, more than 500 duplicating functions will be optimized.

Starting from 2022, the region will be given the authority to distribute funds allocated for the construction and renovation of kindergartens, schools and healthcare facilities.

Third, we will take the necessary measures to establish a system according to which the heads of executive authorities at all levels will regularly publish their annual activity programs and projects being implemented.

Restrictions will be imposed on the increase in the number of state bodies. The existing staff will be reduced due to digitalization and the transfer of several functions to the private sector.

The activities of several ministries, agencies and business associations, as well as local executive authorities, will be critically reviewed.

 Fourth, we will use all the possibilities for selecting personnel for the civil service on a competitive basis, defining clear requirements for continuous professional development, criteria for assessing performance and promotion.

The work schedule and labor standards will be revised.

Fifth, we will create a system in accordance with which projects for the construction of social facilities, as well as projects under the “Obod Qishloq”, “Obod Mahalla” programs, regional infrastructure programs, will be developed taking into account the opinions of the general public and published in the public domain.

The volume of support for non-governmental non-profit organizations in the form of subsidies, grants and placement of social orders will double.

The necessary conditions will be created for all-round support of the media, freedom of journalistic activity.

 Sixth, the legal status of the People’s reception offices will be increased. We will adopt the National Program “Khaqchil Davlat” (“The State for the People”).

A Concept for the Development of the Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be prepared based on the study of rule-making and law enforcement practice.


Justice, honor, dignity and human rights will remain the highest value of reforms in the judicial and legal sphere.

 First, within the framework of improving the system for considering complaints against decisions of officials, special attention will be paid to expanding the powers of administrative courts. Their powers will include consideration of cases on compensation for damage caused by state bodies and other issues related to the onset of legal consequences.

Proving that the decision is not illegal will become the responsibility of the officials who directly made this decision. The procedure for the application of an increasing fine and other legal measures for non-compliance by officials with decisions of administrative courts will be introduced.

 Second, to prevent red tape for citizens and entrepreneurs, we will create the necessary opportunities for resolving cases in which applications, regardless of the jurisdiction of which court – civil, economic or administrative – the case in question belongs to, will be accepted based on “one-stop-shop” principle and be solved by the authorized courts.

 Third, the activities of the prosecutor’s office will be aimed at effectively protecting the honor and dignity, rights and freedoms of citizens. And we will see this as a priority.

The principle of “the rule of law and the inevitability of punishment” should become the main criterion for the activities of the prosecutor’s office. For this, a new legal framework will be created for the prosecutor’s office, which strictly enforces the rule of law in the country.

Fourth, we will consistently continue the initiated reforms in the system of internal affairs bodies, transforming it into a truly popular structure.

The effectiveness of solving the problems of the population, as well as working with citizens’ appeals, will become the main criterion for assessing the activities of the internal affairs bodies. Public Councils will be formed at all levels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

To increase the responsibility for the performance of official duties, a Code of Professional Ethics will be adopted. Special attention will be paid to ensuring the sphere with honest, faithful to their duty, loyal to the Motherland, responsible personnel.

Fifth, as a logical continuation of the liberalization policy pursued in our country, about 10 acts that have lost their significance will be excluded from the category of criminal offenses, the number of mitigating circumstances will increase from the current 9 to 15.

To strengthen the guarantees of the rights of citizens, the Unified Electronic Register of Registration of Persons Detained on Suspicion will be launched. Failure to include the relevant data in the register will become the basis for declaring the detention unlawful.

Sixth, all forces and resources of the state and society will be mobilized to fight corruption.

A system for declaring the income and property of civil servants will be introduced step by step.

A register of persons convicted of corruption will be created, they will be limited in their rights when entering the civil service, advancing to responsible positions.

The processes of public procurement and the sale of state property will become fully open and transparent, conducted with the involvement of the public.

Seventh, we will introduce a system of providing free legal assistance to citizens in need of social protection, not only in criminal cases, but also in civil and administrative cases.

The requirement for legal experience will be canceled to attract young personnel to the legal profession.


The current difficult situation in the world, contradictions and armed conflicts in neighboring regions – all this requires special attention to ensuring security and peace in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Today our Armed Forces are an integral and reliable force capable of resolutely rebuffing any external threats, manifestations of aggression and challenges.

We will continue purposeful and targeted work to further strengthen the country’s defense capability and military power, and implement a deeply thought-out and mutually beneficial foreign policy.

First, we will take measures to develop and implement programs aimed at increasing the combat readiness and potential of the Armed Forces.

Based on the requirements of the time, the country’s air defense system will be strengthened.

We will continue to strengthen the security of our borders through the widespread use of modern means of communication and technical facilities.

We will comprehensively strengthen the social protection of servicemen and their families.

Second, we will consistently continue our systematic and deeply thought-out, pragmatic foreign policy and economic diplomacy.

A Strategy for Regional Cooperation of Uzbekistan in Central Asia will be developed, in which special attention will be paid to:

increasing at least 2 times in the volume of mutual trade;

strengthening unified production chains and cooperation to create added value in the industry;

expanding green corridors and transit opportunities for foreign trade in the transport sector;

strengthening public diplomacy, including partnership in science, education, healthcare, culture, sports and tourism.

Our priority attention will remain to further strengthen relations with our traditional partners, such as Russia, China and the United States, as well as Turkey, India, Pakistan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and expand the geography of external relations.

The development of new markets, the wide attraction of investments and innovations, an increase in the flow of tourists and, most importantly, the active promotion of the image of Uzbekistan will become the main task of all diplomatic missions of our country.

We will strengthen our work in the United Nations bodies and institutions, global and regional economic, financial and humanitarian organizations.

Concrete practical steps will be taken to join the World Trade Organization and deepen the integration processes with the Eurasian Economic Union.

Third, we will provide all possible assistance to the long-suffering Afghan people and in every way contribute to the establishment of peace and tranquility in neighboring Afghanistan.

We will take an active part in international cooperation in the implementation of the project for the construction of Termez – Mazar-i-Sharif – Kabul – Peshawar railway, as well as strategically important projects in the energy, trade and industrial spheres.

Fourth, permanent and effective ties will be established with compatriots abroad with the help of the “Vatandoshlar” Public Fund.

International Institute of Alisher Navoi will be created, the main task of which will be to widely popularize the Uzbek language, culture and national traditions abroad, and to strengthen humanitarian ties.


We will direct all our efforts and capabilities to ensure that New Uzbekistan becomes a country of high culture and spirituality, where people live freely and happily.

First, the Concept “New Uzbekistan –Enlightened Society” and national programs for its implementation will be developed, which will serve to enrich and develop our spiritual and moral values ​​in accordance with the requirements of the time, the cultural progress of society.

Second, we will continue to work to improve the effectiveness of measures aimed at developing the intellectual potential, thinking and worldview of the population, especially young people, educating a harmoniously developed generation in the spirit of national and universal values, love and devotion to our people and homeland.

Third, we will pay special attention to the adoption of programs to further enhance the role and influence of the spheres of science, culture and art, literature and artistic creation on the development of our country.

Important areas of policy in this area are for us all-round support of representatives of the older generation of the creative intelligentsia, material and moral stimulation of its activities, improvement of labor and living conditions. We will intensify our activities in this direction.

Comprehensive measures have been outlined to strengthen the material and technical base of cultural institutions, sports facilities, theaters and museums.

Purposeful work on the development of culture and art in the regions, including folk crafts, will continue on a systematic basis.

Fourth, and henceforth, our focus will be on the issues of ensuring religious tolerance and interethnic harmony in the country, protecting our citizens from various ideological threats, the influence of alien trends and ideas.

For an even deeper study and the widespread popularization of our rich spiritual heritage, all the possibilities of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the International Center for Islamic Civilization, scientific and educational centers of Imam Bukhari and Imam Termezi will be used.

We will consistently continue our policy to strengthen the atmosphere of mutual respect and harmony between representatives of all nations and nationalities living in our country and to create favorable conditions for all religious confessions.

Dear compatriots!

Based on the priority areas identified in the Pre-Election Program, we have developed a New Uzbekistan Strategy. This Strategy, of course, will be finalized taking into account the opinions, proposals and initiatives that will be put forward by our public, our people during the pre-election meetings. Based on this, we will comprehensively enrich it, and of course, we will implement it together.

Dear friends, I urge all of you to vote for New Uzbekistan, for the Strategy of New Uzbekistan.

I am convinced that your proposals and initiatives, support and active participation in pre-election meetings, in elections, as well as your firm civic position, will enrich this Strategy, its content, and it will become a nationwide program and movement that will unite our entire people based on the idea of ​​New Uzbekistan.

 Never forget that the choice is in your hands, as is the responsibility for the future.

 If we act with such a high sense of responsibility, with such firm confidence, then our New Uzbekistan will certainly become a comprehensively developed, prosperous country.

Pre-Election Program

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Timur2021-10-15 11:58:13

Ishlarizga omad

Benaz1r2021-10-14 21:18:34

Saylov oldi dasturi bo'masa ham saylovda qatnashsa boladimi?

Habibullo 2021-10-14 20:11:11

Yangi O'zbekiston yaratishizga ishonaman omad

Bekzod 2021-09-30 12:33:02

saylov oldi dasturingiz yoqdi usha uchun sizga avoz beraman

G'ulomjon 2021-09-25 13:25:03

Yangi O'zbekiston
