«I will not pay tax for those days when I did not work» said a young entrepreneur from Kagan

13.03.2018, 10:17

«I will not pay tax for those days when I did not work» said a young entrepreneur from Kagan

The working group of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP and Bukhara regional council of the party, members of the party's deputy group in the regional council of people's deputies held an open dialogue with the population of Kagan city.

– I was faced with difficulties during my business activities, - says G. Murtazoyeva. – Therefore, I have established the activity of sewing shop without registration. However, after 2-3 days the employees of tax inspection have closed my sewing workshop and imposed a large fine. The tax inspector explained to me that I have to pay a fine, to register as an entrepreneur, and to pay the tax for the period in which I did not carry out activities. I cannot afford to pay more than 2 million sums of fine. I ask the working group to help me to reduce the amount of the fine.

The district prosecutor B. Yarasheva and the deputy group of UzLiDeP took control of this appeal.


press -service of UzLiDeP

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насиба2018-06-16 15:47:58

Мен 1995 йилда минг бир кийинчилик билан тадбиркорлик фаолиятини йулга куйган эдим. узим филологман. Катор юксак максадларим бор эди. Туман солик идораси рахбарияти ва ходимлари кунора 10 киши булиб кечкурун келишиб, видеокамераларга мени ва фарзандимни олишиб, фаолият юргизишга кескин каршиликлар килишган. Иродам бутунлиги сабаб хаммасига чидаганман. Бирок рухим синган. Кулим ишдан совиган эди. Илтимос, тахририят ходимлари, мен билан богланишингизни илтимос киламан.
