Activities of the working group: The work of women entrepreneurs in Izbaskan studied

23.05.2022, 16:30

Activities of the working group: The work of women entrepreneurs in Izbaskan studied

A working group consisting of representatives of Izbaskan District Council of UzLiDeP, deputies of the local council, representatives of the district employment promotion center conducted a similar tour to study the implementation of the 69th goal of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy in 2022-2026, which provides for increasing the knowledge and professional skills of women, ensuring their employment, creating conditions for their involvement in entrepreneurship, solving women’s problems by maintaining the “Women’s Notebook”.

Members of the working group visited the house of a resident of the CAM “Istiqlol”, included in the “Women’s Notebook” of Izbaskan district and engaged in entrepreneurship Shamsuddinova Dilnozakhon. Having received a loan in the amount of 30 million UZS from the district branch of the People’s Bank, she started her own business and provided employment for 3 women.

At “Yuqori” CAM, members of the working group visited Maksimova Muazzam’s house, and got acquainted with her living conditions and entrepreneurial activities.

“At the expense of a preferential loan from the district branch of the People’s Bank and in the amount of 20 million UZS, she established a family business”, said Muazzam Maksimova. – We have 5 residents of the mahalla.

Representatives of the working group paid special attention to the issue of employment. Mustafakulova Makhfiratkhon, a resident of the “Istiqlol” CAM of Izbaskan district, who was included in the “Women’s Notebook”, was provided with a permanent job.

Residents of the CAM “Markaz” Khojiyeva Muattar, Kamolova Margubakhon, Umrzakova Rano, Mamajonova Zarnigor received a permanent job in the district LLC CHINAR.

Members of the working group noted that Izbaskan District Council of UzLiDeP will constantly assist these women in expanding their activities.

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