"Jahon" IA: UzLiDeP nominates Abdulla Aripov for Prime Minister

21.08.2017, 14:00

Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party nominated Abdulla Aripov for the post of Prime Minister at a regular session of its Political Council on December 12.

Summing up the 4 December presidential election, Political Council members said the election passed in accordance with the national legislation and international norms based on transparency, openness and alternatives. Mirziyoyev Shavkat Miromonovich was elected President of the Republic of Uzbekistan by 88.61 per cent of the electorate.

They said the Uzbek people were politically active at the election and voted for sustainable furthering of the reforms for Uzbekistan to become one of the developed democratic states, build an open and just society, ensure peace and stability, and promote population welfare.

They said UzLiDeP was active at the election and the candidate’s programme reached out to and was supported by our people. This places considerable responsibility on the party’s structural divisions and on its every member.

The Political Council of UzLiDeP, the party with a majority in Oliy Majlis’s Legislative Chamber, further considered, under Article 98 of the Uzbek Constitution, the candidacy for the post of Prime Minister.

Thus, the session put forth to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan the candidacy of Deputy Prime Minister Aripov Abdulla Nigmatovich for the post of Prime Minister.

Political Council noted Aripov Abdulla Nigmatovich is a selfless, proactive, demanding, progressive, and patriotic person, who identifies with the people, and who is able to promote the reforms and is well-experienced to direct executive bodies.

The UzLiDeP Political Council also examined other relevant issues, concluding the session.

"Jahon" IA

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O’zLiDeP Жиззах вилоят Кенгаши Олим Норжигитов2018-06-27 12:37:35

Президентимизнинг “Одамнинг иммунитет танқислиги вируси келтириб чиқарадиган касаллик тарқалишига қарши курашиш ва шифохона ички инфекцияларини профилактика қилиш бўйича қўшимча чора-тадбирлар тўғрисида”ги қарори ОИВ-инфекциясини ўз вақтида профилактика ва диагностика қилиш, беморларга тиббий-ижтимоий ёрдам кўрсатиш сифатини ошириш, уларни стационарда даволаш кўламини кенгайтиришга хизмат қилади.

Бегматова Зухра Сирдарё вилоят Кенгаши Кадрлар бўйича инспектор2018-06-27 08:48:09

Президентимиз томонидан қабул қилинаётган барча қарорларнинг заминида инсон қадр-қиммати, саломатлиги ётади. Бу қарор ҳам айнан шундай. Партиямиз олдига ушбу қарор жудда катта ёндошувни, масъулятни юкламоқда. Хар қандай қарор ижросини таъминлашда хар бир фуқаро, партия вакллари бирдек масъул бўлишимиз зарурдир.
