Faction of UzLiDeP approved the report of the Accounting Chamber

16.05.2018, 18:48

Faction of UzLiDeP approved the report of the Accounting Chamber

A regular meeting of the UzLiDeP faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held to discuss the report of the Accounting Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017, made by the first deputy chairman of the Accounting Chamber O. Rustamov.

During the hearing of the report it was noted that activities of the Accounting Chamber during the reporting period was based on the decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On improving the organization of the Accounting Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan», «On measures to radically improve tax administration, increase collection of taxes and other mandatory payments» and «On measures to radically improve the activities of the Accounting Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan».

In the report on the activities of the Accounting Chamber in 2017 it was noted that in its work in accordance with the Budget Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan special emphasis was made on the effective implementation of the State budget, intended use of funds, study program execution of state and regional development, developed for ensuring dynamic development of all spheres of economy. However, an examination of the main directions of tax and budget policy and the draft State budget for 2016 was conducted. Pursuant to the Law “On financing political parties”, the completeness of forming income of political parties and their intended use was verified.

On the example of institutions financed from the state budget, the execution of the state budget at the national and local levels, legal, targeted and effective expenditure of public funds was checked. The analysis of the correctness of the State budget revenues by regions and industries, itemized and full budget execution was conducted, realistic targets of the main items of budget revenues was assessed. Along with this, with the visit to the field, the results of measures to increase the revenue base of local budgets, optimize expenditures and reduce the level of subsidies were studied.

In this process the proposals on improvement of the existing legislative and departmental normative-legal acts are noteworthy, and as a result of the submitted references and analytical materials 10 normative-legal acts and protocols have been adopted.

According to the budget code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the report on the execution of the state budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2016 was carried out in external audit and evaluation, as a result of the revision of the project of forecasts indicators of revenues of the state budget, the forecast of budget revenues for 1.4 trillion sums is recalculated, - said member of the UzLiDeP faction K. Ergashev.

Over the past period, the Accounting Chamber has also prepared proposals on the analysis of the facts and causes of violation of tax and customs legislation. In particular, proposals to eliminate inaccuracies in the tax code in calculating the tax for liquefied gas are submitted to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, appropriate amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been introduced in 2018.

As noted by the deputies, it is important to comprehensive study shortcomings, violations of budgetary discipline. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen the parliamentary control by establishing regular hearing of reports of the heads of relevant ministries, agencies and local khokimiyats on measures taken to address the identified deficiencies, determining their causes of appearance.

During the meeting it was agreed to conclude a memorandum of cooperation between the UzLiDeP and the Accounting Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Taking into account the views expressed during the discussion, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis approved the report of the Accounting Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017 and adopted a relevant resolution.

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