Armature production is established with the support of UzLiDeP`s deputy

23.05.2018, 17:51

Armature production is established with the support of UzLiDeP`s deputy

Members of the deputy group of UzLiDeP in the regional council of people's deputies solve the problems of the population, especially entrepreneurs. For example, recently deputies helped the businessman I. Sharipov to receive a preferential loan in the amount of 200 million soums from Malikrabat branch of the National Bank of Uzbekistan.

The entrepreneur purchased the necessary equipment from Iran and established the production of armature in the small enterprise "Navoiy Yevro Stal".

– Our products can be used in the field of construction, in particular, for fencing greenhouses, - said the head of the company I. Sharipov. – Therefore, we pay serious attention to the production of high-quality products. We have other plans for the future. We plan to buy Korean technology for 480 thousand dollars and build a greenhouse on one hectare in Kanimekh district.

It should be noted that today the company has created all the conditions for workers and employees. For example, workers receive hot meals three times a day. They receive wages on time. It is important that workers who come from afar are provided with a hostel.


head of the department

of organizational-party work

of Navoiy regional council of UzLiDeP

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