The Action Strategy is the path of sustainable development

20.06.2017, 18:35

The Action Strategy is the path of sustainable development

In these days, the primary party organizations of the party are holding events, round tables, and talks to discuss the tasks of the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021in Namangan region.

The primary party organization in Yangikurgan district held a round table on the theme: «Action strategy - our program of work». During the event, the chairman of the makhalla N. Toshboltiyev noted that the directions and goals defined in the Action strategy serves to ensure human rights, freedoms and interests.

-The Action strategy was adopted in the Year of the dialogue with the people and human interests and it includes the priority areas that determine the future of our people, – said the head of the district council of UzLiDeP R. Mirazimov.  -This document is built on the provisions related to the protection and promotion of human interests.

During the event, participants raised such issues as providing drinking water, updating and repairing power transmission lines in their village. In turn, the specialist of the primary party organization took into account their requests and promised to assist in their resolution.

At the event, participants also exchanged views on the issue of clarifying the essence and significance of the action strategy for the population, as well as discussed the important tasks facing the party.

Komiljon Fayziev,


Namangan regional council of UzLiDeP

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Baxodir2020-10-05 12:05:00

Partiyaga azo bo'lish qiyin kechmoqda
