Officials' report did not satisfy deputies from Andijan

06.06.2018, 09:50

Officials' report did not satisfy deputies from Andijan

There are currently 8 family health clinics in the city of Andijan. According to the regulations, one family polyclinic should provide services to 30,000 people.

However, on average, clinics provide medical services to more than 53 thousand population in Andijan city. This creates a number of difficulties.  It is necessary to open 2 more family clinics to solve this problem.

At the meeting of UzLiDeP`s deputy group in the Andijan city council of people's deputies was considered this issue. However, the head of the city medical association was not present at the meeting and instead of him, his deputy N. Tojiboeva submitted a report.

N.Tojiboeva could not answer the questions of deputies in detail. The deputies expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that the deputy inquiries which they sent to the city medical association remain unanswered, they also noted that due to negligence and irresponsibility of some managers in the family clinics, infant mortality is increasing.

At the meeting, the deputies planned to hear the report of the deputy khokim of the city on investment, innovation, assistance to privatized enterprises, development of small industrial zones and tourism. However, he did not attend the meeting, and the information provided by the expert was not satisfy the deputies.

Risolatkhon NIYAZOVA,

executive secretary

of UzLiDeP`s deputy group

in the Andijan regional council

of people's deputies

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