Results of the exit reception of UzLiDeP - employment and solution of domestic problems

29.06.2018, 18:44

Results of the exit reception of UzLiDeP - employment and solution of domestic problems

Angor district council of UzLiDeP in «Zartepa» makhalla held an exit reception. The leaders of the relevant organizations of the region and representatives of the general public took part in it.

At the exit reception on behalf of the residents E. Bobokulov appealed with a complaint that they do not receive tanks with liquefied gas in time. This problem was studied by representatives of the relevant enterprise and it will be solved in the coming days.

Residents of the district H. Azimov and R. Isayev reported that there is no pedestrian crossing on the main highway M39. Deputies M. Yarmatov and H. Allayarov assured that they will solve this problem by sending a deputy request to the State Joint Stock Company "Uzavtoyul". The appeal of G. Samatova was also solved on the spot.

– I can't find a job for many years, I came to the UzLiDeP`s exit reception to get help in finding a job, - she said. – Thanks to the organizers, with their help I found a job in the «Zartepa» makhalla.

Other appeals received were taken under the control of deputies and the corresponding tasks for their solution were outlined.


executive secretary of the

Angora district council of UzLiDeP

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Холмат Тўраев Жиззах вилояти2018-06-26 18:27:28

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