UzLiDeP helps to expand entrepreneurial activity

03.07.2018, 10:22

UzLiDeP helps to expand entrepreneurial activity

Samarkand entrepreneurs well know G. Azimbaeva from the Taylak district. She sews clothes that are in demand in the domestic market. Therefore, it decided to expand its activities by increasing production and creating additional jobs.

This was stated during the round table on the theme «Development and feasibility study of business plan for entrepreneurship» within the project «Bunyodkor Ayol», organized by the Taylak district council of UzLiDeP.

During the event the activist of UzLiDeP, the head of the district branch of the association "Tadbirkor Ayol" S. Salimova told about the conditions and opportunities created for entrepreneurs in the country. – To date, 112 women have been registered as entrepreneurs in our district, -said S. Salimova. – It is gratifying that today their ranks are expanding.

The chairman of the Taylak district council of UzLiDeP Z. Avazov said that the party constantly helps to develop a business plan for those who want to start their own business.

At the end of the event, the party assisted G. Azimboeva to obtain a loan to expand entrepreneurial activity.

Bakhtigul KARSHIEVA,

press secretary of the Samarkand

regional council of UzLiDeP

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