UzLiDeP helped to employ young people

27.07.2018, 18:38

UzLiDeP helped to employ young people

The Jizzakh regional council of UzLiDeP together with a number of organizations conducted a dialogue aimed at implementing the priority tasks of the «Youth wing» of the Jizzakh regional council of UzLiDeP arising from the State program «Youth is our future».

During the conversation it was noted that within the framework of the program the party provides direct assistance to young entrepreneurs to obtain a loan from banks and search the market for their finished products.

During the event, the head of the department of the Jizzakh regional department of the State committee for investments Sh. Kamolov presented the information on the financing of youth business initiatives, start-ups, its ideas and projects.

After that, young entrepreneurs told about their problems on obtaining a loan in the bank, collateral, and a place for entrepreneurial activity.

During the event, the regional council of UzLiDeP employed 10 young people to the production enterprise «Jizzakh Kenteks», another 10 - to the production enterprise of household appliances «Roison Home White Goods».

At the end of the event, 10 young men and women were admitted to the ranks of the party and they received membership cards.

 Press -service

of the Jizzakh regional

council of UzLiDeP

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Жиззах вилояти Зафаробод туман Маданият бўлими БПТ раиси Я.Қўлдошев2018-07-26 12:31:56

Ушбу Давлат дастурини мазмун мохиятини ёшларга тарғибот қилишда O‘zLiDeP ходимлари юқори савияда учрашувлар ташкил қилишмоқда буалбатта қувонарли O‘zLiDePнинг хар бир йиғилишида қатнашаман улар томонидан берилган малумотларнинг хар бири асосли мен шу партия аъзоси бўлганимга ғурурландим. Бугун туманимиз мусиқа мактабида хам худди шу мавзуда йиғилиш бўлди ёшларга керакли маълумотлар берилди. O‘zLiDeP шу каби йиғилишларни ўтказиб хчеам толмасин.

Бобожонова Р. Шовот туман Кенгаши ижрочи котиби2018-07-25 09:34:07

“Ёшлар қаноти” томонидан ёш тадбиркорларнинг фаолияти доимий мониторинг қилиб борилаётгани, кредит олиш, тадбиркорларнинг маҳсулотига бозор топишда яқиндан кўмак берилаётгани қувонврли холдир
