UzLiDeP's exit reception: a new school will be built in the «Oriyat» makhalla citizens' assembly

06.08.2018, 10:47

UzLiDeP's exit reception: a new school will be built in the «Oriyat» makhalla citizens' assembly

Muzrabat district council of UzLiDeP organized an exit reception at the «Oriyat» makhalla citizens' assembly.

Members of the party's deputy group in the district council of people's deputies, employees of relevant departments and organizations and representatives of the general public took part in it.

During the reception, R. Jurakulov reported that the building of secondary school No. 39 is old and does not meet modern requirements, in connection with which he asked the officials to provide practical assistance in the construction of the new school building.

Members of the deputy group studied his appeal and sent a deputy request to the regional department of finance.

– The school has long been in need of repair. This creates inconvenience for schoolchildren, - said Jurakulov. – That is why we have addressed this issue to the heads of responsible organizations in our territory. Thanks to the organizers, on their initiative, a problem has been solved that has worried us for many years. Now our children will study in a modern educational institution.

During the exit reception, residents who wish to establish a family business received legal advice and recommendations from specialists of commercial banks.

At the end of the reception, the party's deputy groups are tasked with timely and positive resolution of these problems.


executive secretary

of the Muzrabat district

council of UzLiDeP

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Акбар Якубов, Жиззах вилояти2018-08-02 09:47:40

Ўтказилаётган сайёр қабуллар натижасида жойлардаги муаммоли масалалар ўз ечимини топмоқда.
