Drinking water in cans instead of compote. Residents of Khatirchi district’s three villages suffered from water shortages

13.02.2019, 00:15

Drinking water in cans instead of compote. Residents of Khatirchi district’s three villages suffered from water shortages

Members of UzLiDeP faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the party’s Political Council Executive Committee held on-site receptions for citizens in Navoi region within the framework of the working group’s activities.

First of all, they visited Chagatoy, Madaniyat and Oq oltin MCG in Khatirchi district.

At the meetings and conversations with the population, many issues concerning the residents were revealed. First of all, they are associated with a shortage of drinking water. It would seem that the problem is not so global – running the existing water towers is enough. But no organization takes on such responsibility.

According to residents of Khatirchi, in order to provide clean drinking water to residents of three villages – Dustlik in Chagatoy makhalla, Nasrobod and Khidirota in Oq oltin makhalla, 4 water towers were built in 2014-2015. But activities were abandoned due to the fact that the water extracted from the bowels of the earth was unfit for consumption. As a result, 2000 households have an acute need for drinking water.

According to a resident of a village, the problem has existed for 5 years. Residents have to carry water from other places. Many appeals were made to various instances, but all to no avail. Water towers were built on state funds, but the project is frozen and it is not known whether it will be completed at all.

The Director of the secondary school No.82 M.Aptarov informed that the population of the district is mainly engaged in gardening and cattle breeding. Water is taken from Shovot Canal to feed livestock, which flows 5 kilometers from villages.

“We are confident that in the end those responsible in such a situation will be punished. But this will not be easier for us. Better to let water towers run. Otherwise our residents keep drinking water in cans instead of compotes” another resident says with a bitter smile.

Members of the working group held negotiations with responsible institutions and organizations. An agreement has been reached with Uzbekhydrogeology State Enterprise on solving the problem on the basis of a roadmap for providing regions with drinking water.

UzLiDeP Press Service

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З.Шакаров2019-02-12 17:03:07

Умид қиламизки ушбу масалага бел боғлаган мутассадилар худудларда ичимлик сувига эхтиёжманд аҳолини эътирозли мурожаатларини тез кунлар ичида ижобий томонга ечиб беришади

Холмурод Сориев, Халқ депутатлари Нуробод туман Кенгашидаги O'zLiDeP депутатлик гуруҳи раҳбари2019-01-31 20:30:05

Аҳоли муаммоларини бевосита жойларда, уйма-уй, хонадонлар бўйича юриб ўрганиш ва муаммоларга ечим топиш борасидаги бундай хайрли ишларга омад тилаймиз.
