There is no water in Agron village. The population have to buy a car of water for 200 thousand UZS

20.02.2019, 10:05

There is no water in Agron village. The population have to buy a car of water for 200 thousand UZS

Nurabad district Kengash of UzLiDeP held an on-site reception of citizens in the secondary school No.55 of Agron village.

At the event, the population received about 20 complaints concerning the issue of repairing roads, allocating land for building a house, employment, problems with provision of electricity, drinking water and natural gas.

For example, a resident of the village Asad Rajabov informed that more than 5 years had passed since the death of his father, but despite this, notifications of debts from the district tax inspectorate keep coming to his name. Deputy Chief of the Inspection took control over the solution of this issue.

Oybek Safarov spoke on behalf of the villagers. He complained that there are problems with supply of liquefied gas cylinders. When they contact the responsible authorities, they constantly request cadastral documents.

As it turned out, in February 2018, O.Safarov submitted necessary documents to the district gas department for obtaining a gas cylinder. However, his appeal remained unanswered.

On the same day, the deputy Kh.Soriyev sent a deputy request to the Head of the district gas department.

Activists of the village Burkhon Namozov and Khasan Choriyev raised another pressing problem – there is not enough drinking water, the population have to buy water from water carriers for 200 thousand UZS, but not all families can afford it.

Head of Department for working with deputy associations of Samarkand regional Kengash of UzLiDeP Nodir Turayev suggested including this issue on the agenda of the next session of Nurabad district Kengash of people’s deputies.

– Issues of providing the population with drinking were included on the agenda of the session of Samarkand regional Kengash of people’s deputies in 2018. Decision No. 253/49 was adopted, in accordance with which the responsible persons were instructed, together with district and city khokimiyats, to develop a schedule of measures and based on it to solve the problem. However, all to no avail, – says N. Turayev.

He also added that due to the lack of proper execution of this decision in the district, it is necessary to consider the issue at the session level of Nurabad district Kengash of people’s deputies.


Press Secretary of

UzLiDeP Samarkand

regional Kengash

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