Issue of establishing the export of fruit and vegetable products is discussed at the republican conference organized by UzLiDeP

03.05.2019, 16:32

Issue of establishing the export of fruit and vegetable products is discussed at the republican conference organized by UzLiDeP

On April 30 this year, in cooperation with the executive committee of the political council of UzLiDeP, the faction of the party in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the Council of farmers and dehkan farms and owners of household land of Uzbekistan and the Center for supporting entrepreneurship and farming of Uzbekistan organized a Republican scientific practical conference “On current tasks and prospects of manufacturing, storage, processing, organization of logistics and export of fruit and vegetable products”.

The conference was attended by representatives of ministries of agriculture, investments and foreign trade, state governing and economic bodies, deputies of the Legislative Chamber, scientists, researchers, farmers, representatives of agroclusters, private enterprises, non-governmental non-profit organizations, enterprises with participation of foreign capital.

As noted, an important part of the economy, the fruit and vegetable sector, is one of the four main areas of private sector development. The widespread introduction of innovative and intensive technologies in the field of harvesting and processing fruit and vegetable products contributes to an increase in production. In this regard, for harvesting export-oriented fruit products, mountain, foothill, hilly and rainfed lands are being developed, orchards and vineyards are laid, special attention is paid to the organization of drip irrigation system.

As a result of large-scale measures for comprehensive support of intensive and innovative agriculture, today in the republic there are intensive gardens on 44 thousand hectares and nut groves – on 2.5 thousand hectares.

This year, more than 21 thousand projects will be implemented in 20 thousand farms, as a result of which additional production and services will be established. In particular, multi-farms will set up intensive gardens on 6.4 thousand hectares, and on 950 hectares – vineyards and greenhouses will be built. Large-scale work has already begun in this direction.

Conference participants noted the presence of problems in the export of fruit and vegetable products. According to the analysis, more than 20 million fruit and vegetable products are harvested annually in the country and only one third of the total volume is exported. The weight of all products is not subjected to deep processing. To solve this problem, it is necessary to solve a problem such as creating a value-added chain.

At the sessions, the participants discussed issues of development of harvesting, processing, logistics and export of fruit and vegetable products, as well as issues of product certification, new standards, innovation projects. Serious opinions and suggestions were expressed on the issues discussed.

Following the conference, an agreement was reached on drawing up a Memorandum of Cooperation in timely execution of mutually agreed proposals.

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Даврон Темиров O‘zLiDePБўка туман Кенгаши ижрочи котиби2019-05-01 16:00:05

Мамлакатимизда ҳар йили 20 миллион тоннадан зиёд мева-сабзавот маҳсулотлари етиштирилиб, атиги учдан бир қисмигина экспорт қилиниши ҳали бу соҳада жуда катта камчиликларимиз ва шу билан бирга имкониятларимиз борлигини кўрсатади. Бунинг учун етиштирилган маҳсулотларимизни бозор талабига мослаштиришимиз, қайта ишлаш, қадоқлаш , сифатли сақлашни сифатини оширишимз зарур. Бу ҳол мева-сабзавотчилик соҳасини янада такомиллаштириш ва ривожлантириш, инновацион технологияларни кенг жалб қилиш ҳамда экспортни рағбатлантиришга хизмат қилади.
