The family is happy when mother and baby are healthy

04.09.2019, 15:52

The family is happy when mother and baby are healthy

Khorezm regional kengash of UzLiDeP, within the framework of the project “Healthy family – strong family”, organized a roundtable discussion on “Healthy mother and child are a guarantee of a healthy future”.

At the event, activities carried out on strengthening the reproductive health of the population, improving the protection of motherhood and childhood, preventing inherited diseases and disabilities, and raising a healthy generation were discussed.

“At the event, we have learned that experienced doctors arrived in our territory”, said G. Shokirova, who lives in house No. 41 along Dustlik Street. “Before pregnancy, every woman must strengthen her health, both medically and psychologically, to prepare for this process”.

At the event, women received answers to questions about prevention of infertility, anemia and other gynecological diseases.

“If the mother and baby are healthy, the family will be happy. To guarantee the health of mothers and children, first of all, it is necessary to increase the level of medical services. It is necessary to strengthen preventive work, increasing the medical culture among this population. And in this it is important to conduct an in-depth medical examination”, said Sevara Jumaniyozova, a doctor of Khorezm branch of the Republican Center for Reproductive Health.

Musharraf RAKHIMOVA,

Head of Khorezm Department of the

Regional Kengash of UzLiDeP

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Рахманова Гульнара2019-08-27 09:08:35

Партиямизнинг “Соғлом оила – мустаҳкам оила” лойиҳаси доирасида утказилаетган тадбирлари хотин кизларимиз тамонидан кизгин куллаб кувватланмокда. Лойиханинг номидан куриниб турганидек хар бир ойланинг мустахкамлиги бу-жамиятнинг мустахкамлигидир.
