Rasul Kusherbayev: “So that our ideas were consistent with the ongoing work”

18.11.2019, 09:58

Rasul Kusherbayev: “So that our ideas were consistent with the ongoing work”

At UzLiDeP congress, the results of the past five years were summed up, and the delegates exchanged views on tasks for the next five years. The party leader informed about the tasks outlined in the pre-election program.

The goals are deeply thought out and outlined based on the wishes of representatives of the electorate. I personally took part in the discussion of tasks that should be included in the Pre-Election platform. The current pre-election platform differs from the previous ones in its nationality, a reflection of problems concerning people today. At the same time, there are still problems to the solution of which the party should direct its forces and capabilities. We must commit ourselves to solving the problems of entrepreneurs, which are an obstacle to ensuring the investment attractiveness of the country. Pay special attention to the issue of ensuring the inviolability of private property. Unfortunately, despite the solution of such problems in the legislation, the adoption of the relevant regulatory documents at the initiative of the President, there are no changes in the psychology of local officials. In this regard, I think that the party should also deal with a change in the worldview of individual officials. Recently, our Ambassador to Turkey spoke about the doubts of Turkish entrepreneurs about investing in our country. The fact is that our khokims and entrepreneurs who were in this country in conversation with businesspeople said, “Come to Uzbekistan, choose any place, if necessary, we will demolish objects and give you land”. To which Turkish businessmen replied, “Perhaps in 3-4 years you will demolish the objects we built and give the land to others, where then is the priority of the law?!” Unfortunately, officials who think in this way are not one or two. The truth is that an investor travels to a country where the law rules, and not autocracy. The only way to achieve the priority of the law is the effective use of strength and power of the public. Speaking against this ailment of one activist or one deputy will not give a result, frankly speaking, the khokim will simply “break” him. He must be supported by the public, the party. We speak with 755 thousand members. And this is good. But when will we implement this powerful potential?

In general, I want to say to like-minded people: let our ideas correspond to the activity being carried out. And then people will believe us and follow us.


Deputy of the Legislative

Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,

Member of UzLiDeP faction

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Асилабону2019-11-08 17:46:53

Расул Кушербаев- фикрлари теран,энг энг фаол депутатимиз кўз тегмасин. Шундай депутатларимизнинг сафи кенгайса бизга хеч қайси партия тенг кела олмайди
