Adham Ikromov: “If we want UzLiDeP to become a leader, we must increase attention to specific practical work”

18.11.2019, 10:01

Adham Ikromov: “If we want UzLiDeP to become a leader, we must increase attention to specific practical work”

One of our like-minded speakers spoke about large-scale updates of recent years and added that everything was achieved “thanks to the bold policy of the President”.

Indeed, on the basis of firmness and courage of the confidence of the Head of the state in all areas, we are achieving great success that is recognized by the international community. For example, in an unimaginably short period, the ranks of entrepreneurs in the country have doubled. It is gratifying that in the positive transformations there is also a definite contribution of our party. Why are the ranks of our like-minded and sympathetic people expanding? I think the main reason for this is that UzLiDeP in its activities is based on the principle “If people will be rich, then the state will be rich and powerful”. The party strictly adheres to the principle “The barrier to development of entrepreneurship is assessed as a barrier to the state policy”. In the activities of the party, priority is given to improving the business and investment environment, strengthening the protection of private property, stimulating the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, integrated and rational development of territories, modernization and active development of agriculture. At the same time, the party supports the view that development of the international liberal democratic movement is observed only in countries based on the principle of protecting private property by society and the state. And also adheres to the opinion that the economy based on the ideas of political forces and the free market contributes to the renewal and modernization of the country. The main thing, albeit with difficulty, but UzLiDeP is consistently implementing its ideas and goals. Victory is not easy. But it’s even more difficult to maintain a leadership position. And therefore, if we want UzLiDeP to remain a leader, we must increase attention to specific practical work.


Chairman of the Chamber of

Commerce and Industry of

Uzbekistan, Member of

UzLiDeP Political Council

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Равшан Исмоилов Абдулазизович2019-11-10 09:29:19

Ассалому Алайкум Сайловда партияга омад тилайман.Таклифим НОГИРОНЛИГИ бор шахслар айникса оилали булса алохида эьтибор зарур.ногиронликни белгилашгача текширувдан утишдаги,ва белгилашдаги порахурлик,уй-жой беришдаги ноконуний хатти харакатлар порахурлик окибатда сарсонгарчилик,ишсизлик,банк сохасида алохида камиссия урганиб имтиёзли кредит хеч кандай сарсонгарчиликсиз агар шу оркали ишли булса,нафака микдори яшаш шароитини урганиб уртача микдор белгиланиши ва бошкалар окибатда узини тулик инсон сифатида куриб жамиятга аралаша олиши таминланар эди.Мен болаликдан 2 гурух ногирониман оилаликман 2 нафар фарзандим бор жисмонан соглом аёлим билан трикчилик киламиз пенсия оламан ва ижарага дамас машинасида юк ташиб харакат киламан кийналаман аммо нолимайман.аёлим уй бекаси юкоридаги холатларда хакикатда ноконуний сарсон килишди ва кизикишларимни сундиришга мажбур булдим.Аслида конуний иш килинганда эди аёлим билан тадбиркорлик килиб кушимча даромад олмокчи эдик.рахмат сизга.

Рустамова Гулбахор2019-11-09 10:23:39

Адхам Икромовни фикрларига кушиламан, мен уйлайманки бунинг учун купрок телевиденига яьни янги курсатув проектлари бн чикишимиз керак.Менда таклиф бор.Узлидеп куллаб кувватлаетган "INVEST IN UZBEKISTAN" проекти буйича инвесторлар иштирокида хафталик курсатув тайёрлаб студияда шоу тарзида олиб бориш керак

Холмурод Сориев, Халқ депутатлари Нуробод туман Кенгашидаги O'zLiDeP депутатлик гуруҳи раҳбари2019-11-08 22:35:19

"Шу маънода O‘zLiDeP етакчи партия бўлиб қолишини истасак, аниқ амалий ишларга эътиборни янада кучайтиришимиз керак. " Тўғри фикрлар менимча. Аниқ амалий ишларга эътибор қаратиш ва уни амалга ошириш менимча, келгуси сайловларда партиядан сайланадиган депутатларга кўпроқ боғлиқ. Агар партия томонидан фаол ва жонкуяр инсонлар номзоди депутатликка тавсия этилган бўлса, албатта, янада ижобий натижалардан умид қилса бўлади.
