Assistance to needy families

02.05.2020, 12:08

Assistance to needy families

In these days of trial, compatriots have united and everyone, if possible, strive to do charity work. Within the framework of “Generosity and Support” Nationwide Movement, initiated by the Head of the state, material and moral assistance is provided to many needy families. The initiators in this work are entrepreneurs.

Chairman of Syrdarya regional council of UzLiDeP, Senator, head of the joint venture Bek Cluster LLC, Ulugbek Sotiboldiyev, in order to improve the living standards of the needy population of Mirzaabad and Havast districts of Syrdarya region, took the initiative to provide assistance to 2000 families. This was reported in the Press Service of the upper house.

Together with khokimiyats of Mirzaabad and Havast districts and the makhalla and family support departments in each district, 1000 families in need were identified and an address list was compiled. Then, over 3 months, 2000 families in these two districts were provided with food products.

Indeed, it will not be a mistake to say that the charity work carried out these days is a vivid reflection of united people within the framework of “Generosity and Support” Nationwide Movement.

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Қутлимуратов Рустам2020-04-26 16:49:27

Менимча номинал кўринишдаги ёрдамдан кўра бошқа давлатлар амалга ошираётоанидек пул кўринишида тарқатиш фойдалироқ.Биринчидан турли хил кўринишдаги коррупцион схемаларнинг олди олинади(ҳар ким таниш билиш орқали ўз сифатсиз маҳсулотини тиқиштириш ва унинг нархи сунъий ошириб кўрсатилиши олди олинади,миқдорининг бўрттирилишига йўл қўйилмайди, килодан урилмайди),иккинчидан аҳоли ўзига, уйига энг зарур маҳсулотни олиш имконияти яратилади,учинчидан пластик карталарига туширилса масофадан туриб бажарилиши мумкин ва изини текширганда уни аниқлаш осон бўлади, гарчи бу ҳайрия бўлса ҳам.
