Deputy Speaker Aktam Khaitov takes control over solving investors’ problems in Muzrabat

22.09.2020, 18:22

Deputy Speaker Aktam Khaitov takes control over solving investors’ problems in Muzrabat

Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, head of UzLiDeP faction Aktam Khaitov got acquainted with activities of business entities, farmers and owners of household plots in Surkhandarya region.

In Muzrabat district, the Deputy Speaker got acquainted with activities of the private enterprise BIO AGRO-Amudaryo.

Today, the daily production capacity of the enterprise is processing 300-400 tons of tomatoes and production of 50 tons of tomato paste. This process involves 40 people from the local population, hired on the basis of a contract.

“To operate the enterprise at full capacity, 1200 tons of tomatoes are required per day, and 150 new jobs will be created”, said the head of the enterprise, Rizo Soqolli. – Currently, the products we need are grown on 600 hectares belonging to our private foreign enterprise in Denau district and on 500 hectares in Muzbat district.

At the meeting, representatives of the enterprise spoke about the existing problems and made a number of proposals.

Grapes in Muzrabat district are grown on 300 hectares, and pomegranates on 200 hectares. On the lands occupied for vineyards, the decision of the hokim of the region was made, and on the lands occupied by pomegranates, there is only a decision of the district hokim. To use the enterprise at full capacity, it would be advisable to allocate 200 hectares of areas for growing tomatoes in Altinsay district. The entrepreneur asked for assistance in resolving this issue. A. Khaitov promised to assist in its positive decision.

Modern greenhouses have been built on the territory behind the plant on 2 hectares belonging to the private enterprise BIO AGRO Amudaryo. Construction materials have been brought to Uzbekistan for the construction of modern greenhouses on another 20 hectares.

 Press Service of Surkhandarya

Regional Council of UzLiDeP

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