UzLiDeP deputy proposes to build social houses for students

18.12.2020, 10:57

UzLiDeP deputy proposes to build social houses for students

Each time before the start of the academic year, the issue of providing students with a hostel becomes relevant. Because, in higher education institutions, the issue of students living in rented apartments is not put in a systematic way, and there are many problems in this sphere.

Due to the lack of places in numerous student dormitories of higher education institutions, students living in rented apartments face a number of problems. It is regrettable that the system of working with them leaves much to be desired.

When talking with students who have come from the regions to study in Tashkent, you can find out that they live in a rented apartment, rental prices are high and are often located far from higher education institutions. Therefore, providing students with housing is an urgent task of today, which does not tolerate delay.

We all know well that the President of the country in his Address this year emphasized that all conditions will be created for young people who seek to obtain higher education, and that in 2020 the coverage of school graduates with higher education will be at least 20 percent, and in the future this figure will reach 50-60 percent.

Of course, with the expansion of coverage, the need for student housing will also grow. According to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, today there are only 225 student dormitories in higher education institutions, which can accommodate almost 60 thousand students. This means that the coverage of the place of residence of students is only 30-35 percent.

Undoubtedly, in this situation, young people who are not provided with housing will be forced to live in rented private apartments on the domestic market. The monthly payment for living in such apartments starts from 2 million soums. If to live for 4 people, you will have to pay 500 thousand soums per person. Of course, this does not include communal services.

Taking into account the above problems, I would like to suggest the following. In my opinion, the most correct way in this situation would be the construction of “Social Houses”, which will be leased to students. For the construction of such houses, first of all, it is necessary to support the private sector or to implement it on the basis of a public-private partnership. To do this, entrepreneurs need to provide low-interest and long-term loans.

For the construction of Social Houses, entrepreneurs will submit their projects to the commission. House projects should have affordable prices, be of high quality, meet the requirements, while the prices for living should not be high. Most importantly, social homes should have large reading rooms, libraries and Wi-Fi.

Students are accommodated in social homes on the basis of a contract. And this will provide a specific definition of the rights and obligations of both parties, as well as the warning will exclude the ordeal of students when looking for an apartment. It will be possible to avoid various unpleasant situations.

Bakhromjon Rakhmonaliyev,

Deputy of the Legislative

Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,

Member of UzLiDeP Faction

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Tohirjon2020-12-08 18:33:36

Haqli fikr Amma bu shunchaki ,,ajoyib fikr''ligicha qilib ketmasa Ana oshanda bizni da vlat hodimlariga munasabatimiz ham mustahkamlabadi

Jahongir 2020-12-05 01:53:04

Kiritilgan taklif juda o'rinli. Asosiysi taklif taklifligicha qoğozda qolib ketmay ko'rib chiqiladi degan umiddamiz.

Oybek2020-12-04 21:49:26

Hammasi ko‘zbo‘yamachilik degan xulosga kelyapman

Oybek2020-12-04 21:26:50

Assalomu alaykum. Men talaba sifatida ushbu taklifni qanchalik qo‘llab quvvatlashimni aytishni keragi ham yo‘q. Bu barachaga ma‘lum. Mana yaqinda an’anaviy ta‘lim tizimiga bosqichma-bosqich qaytildi. Talabalardan so‘rovnoma o‘tkazilganida viloyatdan borib o‘qiydiganlarning aksariyati o‘qishni online tarzda davom ettirishni maqul ko‘rdilar. Ishonavering bunga yagona sabab turar joy muammosi. Karantindan keyin borib yana sarson bo‘lib uy(kvartira) qidirish o‘yi. Virus solayitgan xavfdan qo‘rqadigan talaba borligiga hech qachon ishonmayman. Shaxsan men ham sifatsiz online ta‘limni tanlashga majbur bo‘ldim. Chunki hozirgi sharoitda ota-onamdan ijara uchun oyiga 500-800ming, o‘zim uchun yana qanchadur so‘rashga vijdonim qiynaladi. Yuqoridagiga qo‘shimcha tarzda men ham o‘z taklifimni bildirmoqchiman. Aynan shu ‘‘ijtimoiy uylar’’ ni tadbirkor OTM si bilan kelishgan va shartnoma asosida qursa, barbir hamma OTM lar bosqichma bosqich o‘zini o‘zi moliyalashtirish tizimiga o‘tishi belgilangan va keyinchalik ular bu binolarni tadbirkordan sotib olish tizimi yo‘lga qo‘yilsa yaxshi bo‘lardi. Aslida davlat o‘sha mablag‘ni to‘g‘ridan to‘g‘ri binoni qurib hamm OTM lariga uzoq muddat davomida to‘lash sharti bilan bersa ham bo‘ladi shu oddiy yotoqxonalar kabi, lekin bu loyiha shuncha paytdan beri amalga oshmaganini inobatga olsak yaqin 1 yilda bo‘lishiga ham ko‘zim yetmaydi. Aslida bu davlatning kelajagiga kiritgan sarmoyasiku. Naxotki ahamiyatlilik darajasi shunchalik past. Kongress hall dagi 1 ta tadbirga sarflangan summani 3 yoki 4 tadbir hisobida olinsa 1 OTM ga oddiy yotoqxona qursa bo‘ladi menimcha. Bizga mayli wi fi ham internet ham kerak emas, shunchaki tinch yotish va dars qilish uchun arzonroq joy kerak xolos. Rahmat

Bahodir2020-12-04 21:22:30

Assalomu alaykum. Juda zo‘r bo‘lardi agar shu ish amalga oshsa. Buni mehmonxonalardek qilib yo‘lga qo‘yilsa. Talabalar ham biroz erkinroq bo‘lardi

Шер2020-12-04 20:14:21

Ажойиб таклиф, талабалар учун яхши янгилик, тадбиркор ишбилармонлар учун яхши имконият

Dusiyorov Parda2020-12-04 20:03:43

Ha albatta.juda ko'p talabalar sarson sargordon bo'lib ijaraga joy qarashadi va uzoqdan,qimmatiga joy olishadi.xulosam talbalar turar joyini qurish va sport majmuolarini ham kutubhona v.hz.

Asqar2020-12-04 19:53:33

Rostan ham har òquv yili boshida talabalar sarson bulib yurishadi Ijara haqida ham juda qiynaladi Yuqoridagi fikrlarga qòshilaman

Ortiqov Humoyun2020-12-04 19:47:59

Juda to'g'ri fikr. Men talabaman hozirda Samarqand Davlat Universitetida. TTJ larda joy yo'q kvartira bo'lsa 50 AQSH dollir bir kishiga. Ota onam ishlamaydi davlat ishida. Ana endi o'zlaringiz o'ylab ko'ringizlar nima qilish kerak kantirak to'lash kerakmi kvartiragami yoki boshqa xarajatlargami.......

Рахманова Гульнара Арзеновна 2020-12-03 11:20:37

Хакикатдан хам давлатимиз тамонидан езларга каратаётган катта эътибор хар биримизни кувонтиради. Биринчи навбатда хар бир талабанинг яшаш жойи талабга мос булса, ижора туламларини талаб даражасида белгиланишига амалий ердамлар булса уз узидан укишиларига ва жамоатчилик ишларида мунтазаам равишда катнашишига кулай шаройтлар тугдирилган хисобланади ва албатта ешларимизнинг жамиятдаги фаоллиги янада ошиб боради.
