Activities of liquidated enterprises are being restored in Tashkent

04.04.2017, 17:26

Activities of liquidated enterprises are being restored in Tashkent

The Tashkent city council of UzLiDeP has conducted a round table on the theme «A favorable business environment is an important factor in implementing business initiatives».

At the event MPs, deputy groups in local councils, representatives of partner organizations and entrepreneurs studied liquidated and inactive small businesses and private entrepreneurship in Tashkent and helped them to restore their activities.

At present, UzLiDeP is deeply studying and developing concrete measures to eliminate the main problems hindering entrepreneurial activity.

In Tashkent city 7,492 business entities were established last year, their total number reached 56,691 subjects, 4 285 of them stopped their activities. Studying the circumstances of the termination their activities showed that the reason for this is mainly a lack of starting capital, shortage of working capital, raw materials for production and most importantly, lack of knowledge of legislation in this sphere.

UzLiDeP, deputy group in the Tashkent city council of people's deputies and regional administration have studied their problems and helped restore the activity of 52 business entities.

— I suspended my business because I did not receive money on my checking account in time, - said the head of the private enterprise "EuroGrandFornitute" H. Kobulov. — Thanks to the support of the party activists and the working group of the Yashnabad district administration, I was able to restore my activities. Today I have orders, and I am planning to expand my business and create new jobs.

Participants of the event, entrepreneurs expressed critical opinions about the problems with commercial banks and servicing providers as well as they made suggestions on how to address them.

— In 2016, I received land from the district administration, - said the head of the private enterprise "IMMONABONU" F. Juraeva. — Due to lack of funds and unfavorable credit conditions, I had to suspend my business. Today I was able to find money and am going to restore my activities and create 40 new jobs. I would like that the conditions for obtaining a loan for start-up entrepreneurs would be facilitated.

During the event, these and other issues were discussed and decisions were taken on them.

It was stressed that the task of ensuring an effective dialogue with entrepreneurs places great responsibility on all organizations and activists of UzLiDeP as the leading political force of our country. Therefore, the party should reliably protect the interests of its electorate - representatives of small business and private entrepreneurship, carefully study the problems that worry them, and establish strong deputy control.

UzLiDeP press service

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исломқулова Умидахон Равшановна УзЛиДеР Фарғона вилояти Кенгаши Аёлларнинг сиёсий фаоллиги жамиятдаги роли ва мавқеини ошириш бўлими мудири а 2018-09-21 13:57:51

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