Uzbek leader approves state programme for 2018

24.01.2018, 09:51

Uzbek leader approves state programme for 2018

On 22 January 2018, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved a state programme for realization of the Strategy of Action on priority directions of development of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 in the Year of supporting active entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies.

The programme was discussed with participation of public. Citizens made over 4,400 proposals and comments during discussions.

The document consists of five priority directions, including improving system of state and public constriction, ensuring rule of law and further reforming judicial-legal system, developing and liberalizing economy, developing social sphere and ensuring security, inter-national agreement and religious tolerance, as well as implementing balanced, mutual beneficial and constructive foreign policy.

The programme envisages development of a concept of national security and development of military-technical cooperation with foreign states.

It is also planned to adopt measures to improve activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions abroad.

The measures will be adopted to protect rights and interests of the citizens of Uzbekistan in foreign countries.

According to the document, Uzbekistan announced moratoria for conducting inspection of financial-economic activities of the business entities

Within the programme, it is planned to adopt 179 laws in Uzbekistan.

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Саттор Бафоев O'zLiDeP Бухоро туман Кенгаши раисининг биринчи ўринбосари-аппарат раҳбари2018-05-26 11:03:50

“Ҳар бир давлат хизматчиси ҳар куни ўзининг меҳнати билан эгаллаб турган лавозимига лойиқлигини исботлаши шарт” деган қоидага барчамиз риоя қилишимиз шарт.

Наврўзбек Мукимжонович2018-04-30 14:32:00

2017-2021 йилларда Ўзбекистон Республикасини ривожлантиришнинг бешта устувор йўналиши бўйича Ҳаракатлар стратегияси қабул қилиниши Мустақил мамлакатимизнинг ривожланишига яна бир катта омил бўлди десак муболаға бўлмайди. 2017 йил Ҳаракатлар стратегиясини “Халқ билан мулоқот ва инсон манфаатлари йили”да мухим ривожланишнинг яна бир одил қадами бошлаб берилди. Шунингдек 2018 йилда "Фаол тадбиркорлик, инновацион ғоялар ва технологияларни қўллаб-қувватлаш йили"да амалга оширишга оид Давлат дастури қабул қилиниши мамлакат ривожининг давомий қадами бўлди. Давлат дастури доирасида амалга оширилиши белгиланган вазифаларнинг барчаси халқнинг фаровон хаёт кечиришига ва юрт тинчлигига хизмат қилиб келмоқда.
