Preferential loans will be allocated to innovative ideas

11.05.2018, 17:55

Preferential loans will be allocated to innovative ideas

The decree of the President of the country «On additional measures to create conditions for the development of active entrepreneurship and innovation»  was adopted in order to increase the social and economic potential of the country, to fully support and stimulate active entrepreneurship, which contributes to the sustainable growth of living standards and welfare of the population, the introduction of innovative ideas and technologies, the effective organization of work to popularize innovative entrepreneurship among the population, the accelerated development of scientific and innovative activities.

According to the document, Centers for Innovative Ideas will be established in Uzbekistan on the terms of public-private partnership. The centers will be established in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent. They will carry out development, approbation and introduction of innovative start-up projects, transfer and commercialization of innovation results.

In order to support innovative development and innovative ideas commercial banks will allocate preferential loans to centers and other business entities that will apply innovative ideas, developments and technologies.

Thus, the support of innovative ideas, developments and technologies will serve the development of all spheres, would have a positive impact on the supply of innovative products to domestic and foreign markets.

Solijon Muminov,

deputy of the Namangan regional

council of people's deputies

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Ташимов Менлимурат 2018-05-15 17:21:03

Ушбу қарор мамлакатимизнининг янада ривож топишида, янги янги ғояларнинг, янги иш ўринларнинг пайдо бўлиши иқтисодиётимизнинг ривожланишида ҳиссаси зўр бўлади деб ишонамиз

Аптаров Аслиддин O‘zLiDeP Навоий вилоят Кенгаши ходими 2018-05-09 13:27:18

“Фаол тадбиркорлик ва инновацион фаолиятни ривожлантириш учун шарт-шароитларни яратиш бўйича қўшимча чора-тадбирлар тўғрисида”ги Президент қарори мамлакатимизда янги техналогия ва ишланмаларнинг ривожланишини янги тараққиёт босқичига олиб чиқади.

О.Атақулов-Навбаҳор туман Кенгаши аппарат раҳбари2018-05-09 08:11:31

Инновацион ғоялар, ишланмалар ва технологиялар қўллаб-қувватланиши авваламбор ёшлар учун катта имконият деб ўйлайман. Бундай қўллаб-қувватлашдан кейин албатта яхши натижалар бўлади.

Ш.Абдурасулов Арнасой тумани аппарат рахбари2018-05-08 19:08:47

Инновацион ғоялар тежамкорлик,янгилик,техника ва шу қаторда иқтисодимизга жуда катта маблағ демакдир.

Жиззах вилояти Туман Фермерлар Кенгаши БПТ раиси Эрназаров Акбар 2018-05-08 17:34:24

Инновацион ғоялар бу давлатимиз ривжланишига олиб келади.
